Kelly Brook: I ‘punched’ Danny Cipriani

Kelly Brook punched Danny Cipriani when he gave a stripper his phone number.

The glamour model – who split from her former lover in August last year after he allegedly cheated on her – has written about her relationship in her autobiography ‘Up Close’, and revealed her reaction to the incident which occurred during a trip to Las Vegas.

In extracts published by The Sun on Sunday newspaper, she told of how her ex-boyfriend had talked to a stripper at Spearmint Rhino before excusing himself to the bathroom.

She wrote: ”My dance finished, so I decided to go to the loo as well. On the way, I decided to try to find him as he had been gone rather a long time … I found nothing, so gave up and went to the loo.

”While I was in the cubicle, on the other side of the door the missing lap dancer was chatting to her friend, saying how hot Danny was – and how he’d given her his phone number.”

Kelly explained she then confronted Danny, and was asked to leave the club.

She continued: ”As I headed back to the table, I saw Danny walking towards me. ‘Babe,’ he said. ‘I’ve been looking for you!’ I punched him straight in the face!

”At that point, four bouncers leaped on me. They picked me up like the crazy, drunk, betrayed woman I was. it had all gone very Jerry Springer.

”I was then carried out of the club in my new cherry-print mini-dress as they held Danny back inside the club.”

Vallquar to Officially Disband

Visual Kei band Vallquar announced to disband at the end of the year.

When a band goes on hiatus there’s always the hope that one day it will be back. Vallquar went on hiatus more than two years ago but made its come back in 2013. Unfortunately that lasted only for a few performances and even worse – during that time they’ve lost their drummer. Now the band has announced to officially disband after its one man live “epilogue of mythology” that is scheduled for December 10th and takes place at Shinsaibashi FANJ-twice in Osaka.

Vocalist Hikari mentioned that they had even composed new songs and prepared their new outfits but as time passed by they’ve realized that it’s too difficult to continue band activities together.

《艋舺的女人》見面會 眾演員吞苦茶和粉絲搏感情

台視、年代Much《艋舺的女人》昨(8/30)天特地選在台北萬華剝皮寮老街拍攝場景舉辦見面 會,400多位粉絲不畏豔陽及午後雷陣雨熱情相挺!感冒的狄鶯更大方秀出小蠻腰,以火辣中空裝力抗攝氏33度高溫!眾演員們與粉絲互動划拳拚喝苦茶,除了 馮光榮之外每位演員都中槍,狄鶯阿莎力狂飲與粉絲「同甘共苦」,她豪氣的笑說:「艋舺的女人不怕苦、喝一喝看感冒會不會比較快好!」,狄鶯透露在萬華剝皮 寮老街拍戲超緊繃、完全沒時間跟人聊天,除了猛背劇本外還要身兼場務、猛盯現場狀況,她笑說:「只要有1人NG,就會影響我回家陪老公、小孩的時間!」

台北萬華剝皮寮老街區是《艋舺的女人》主場景之一,演員狄鶯、黃仲崑、林健寰、馮光榮、楊少文、周惠珊特地重回片場與粉絲們相見歡,狄鶯回憶當初拍戲時, 一踏進剝皮寮立刻壓力上身,她表示:「身為女主角劇本量真的太多,在片場只好抓緊時間背劇本!」,為了早點收工回家陪老公、小孩,狄鶯還要身兼場務,她苦 笑說:「要擔心軌道、演員、道具,只要有人NG我就很緊張,完全沒時間跟大家聊天!」,馮光榮進劇組第一天就在剝皮寮拍攝,只有一句台語台詞卻足足NG了 30次,首次拍台語劇的他苦笑說:「剛開拍就想要放棄,不想要脫累其他演員,幸好狄姊很幫忙、最後越練越順!」,黃仲崑劇中的家跟中藥店場景都在剝皮寮, 他開玩笑的說:「感謝艋舺的人都很幫忙、讓我們拍攝順利,幸好沒有真的角頭老大跟我這個馬沙議員嗆聲!」


《16個夏天》南下會粉絲 "俊杰"謝佳見不得人緣

公視、TVBS偶像劇《16個夏天》8/31前往台南、台中舉辦粉絲見面會,劇中五位主角林心如、楊一 展、許瑋甯、謝佳見及鄒承恩全員到齊,而穿著清涼的許瑋甯也大秀香肩、美背,十足吸引民眾的目光!《16個夏天》中南部見面會首站抵達台南,原本艷陽高照 的台南竟下起大雨,林心如無辜地舉起手自招:「我承認我是雨神!遇水則發嘛!」而前晚《16個夏天》播出謝佳見與許瑋甯床戲,讓大批粉絲對謝佳見恨得牙癢 癢,自我介紹時獲得的掌聲最小,楊一展連忙說:「請大家不要抱個人情緒好嗎?」謝佳見也趕緊拉攏粉絲說:「我今天是佳見不是俊杰,請大家不要討厭我!」粉 絲也賞臉地給予掌聲與尖叫相挺。

《16個夏天》昨(8/30)播出第六集,楊一展與謝佳見的各有一場床戲,讓林心如大嘆:「兩個我愛的男人都跟別人上床,讓我在家裡一邊看一邊哭,絕得自 己好心酸喔!」謝佳見與許瑋甯的酒後床戲也讓PTT網友罵翻,尤其是謝佳見完全成為眾矢之的,讓他無奈地說:「看到粉絲罵得很兇有點心驚,去怪編劇啦!是 他把我寫這麼壞的。」背叛好友的許瑋甯也說:「我自己看的時候也一直在罵,怎麼這麼壞啊!」

公視、TVBS《16個夏天》播出以後深受粉絲喜愛,中南部見面會上熱情粉絲擠爆現場,台南場活動下午兩點才開始,有粉絲早上7點就來卡位,從大太陽到下 大雨都沒有離開隊伍,讓劇中飾演台南人的林心如與謝佳見說:「我們家鄉的粉絲好挺我們喔!好感動!」劇中操台灣國語口音的鄒承恩,只要一講台灣國語,台下 就尖叫聲不斷,讓他忍不住笑說:「我看我以後都這樣講話好了!好像比較受歡迎耶。」楊一展在劇中不時大秀肌肉,在主持人的起鬨要現場「驗貨」,台下立刻尖 叫聲不斷,讓楊一展苦笑地說:「大家都把我當脫星了嗎?」林心如立即安慰他:「沒關係,以後再一見一件穿回來就好了!」讓全場笑聲不斷。

新人歌手Eric尚未發片就接下製作、演唱《16個夏天》片尾曲的重責大任,此次跟著《16個夏天》演員一起跑見面會活動,還要擔任開場演唱,第一次在粉 絲面前唱現場,讓19歲的Eric直呼好緊張,林心如在一旁笑說:「你剛剛怎麼沒有找我們一起合唱?」楊一展立刻接話:「一定要有當過歌手的才有資格一起 唱喔!」眾人立刻指向出過唱片的林心如,讓林心如瞬間羞紅了臉,但還是難得地開了金口與Eric合唱,其他演員也跟著唱和,讓全場氣氛熱到最高點。

Robert Pattinson dating FKA Twigs?

Robert Pattinson is dating FKA Twigs.

The ‘Twilight Saga’ star is said to have a blossoming romance with the singer – whose real name is Tahliah Barnett – and the couple have reportedly been going on dates together for a ”month or so”.

An insider told The Sun newspaper: ”It’s the real deal between Rob and Tahliah.

”They had been able to keep their relationship secret until recently, but they’ve already smitten.

”He’s been taking her on dates for the last month or so, and has even flown her out to stay with him in New York. He also loves going to her gigs.”

It is said Tahliah – who is Robert’s first serious partner since his relationship with Kristen Stewart ended last summer – doesn’t want their romance to overshadow her music career, with plans to release her debut album next year.

The source added: ”The main thing for Tahliah is that the relationship remains low key.

”She wants to be known for her music, not just as ‘Robert Pattinson’s girlfriend’.

”She’s worried about being bogged down by constant comparisons to Kristen.”

One Direction’s Liam Payne and Niall Horan admits cow dung makes them think of home when they’re away touring with their band mates

One Direction’s Liam Payne and Niall Horan have admitted ”cow poo” reminds them of home.

The ‘Little Things’ hitmakers start to feel nostalgic when they get a whiff of manure whilst they’re away touring with their band mates – Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles – because the smell of farm animal poop makes them think of their parents’ home.

When asked what smell reminds them of home, Niall, 20, told Cosmopolitan magazine: ”Cow poo.”

Liam, 21, agreed: ”I was going to say the same. We both live close to the countryside. Where I live there are farms and you can always smell…”

Niall added: ”I’m from the lake district of Ireland so there’s the smell of cows and sheep and fresh-cut grass.”

Meanwhile, the hunky boy band – who shot to fame after appearing on ‘The X Factor’ in 2010 – believe they’ve developed a strong bond, which extends further than just friendship, over the past three years.

Louis, 22, said previously: ”I think ‘family’ is probably the best way of describing us. It’s different to friendship.”

Niall added: ”Yeah, we spend a good time on the road, and, obviously it’s so important that we all get along or it won’t work.”

Harry explained: ”There could have easily been one person who didn’t get along with anyone; who nobody liked, but it wasn’t like that.

”The relationship that’s grown with these four boys that I didn’t even know three years ago is absolutely insane and it’s incredible. I’m very lucky that I get to spend so much time with them.”

陶喆明娶过亿身家千金 周杰伦见习婚礼


陶喆和准老婆Penny上月赴菲律宾巴拉望岛举行私人派对,当日他向Penny补上难忘的浪漫求婚,而明天婚宴席开60桌,估计至少花费300万台币。 宴会上,由他的父亲陶大伟身前好友张小燕担任主婚人,而仪式则采基督教,至于新娘Penny婚纱共有四套,其中两套是顶级品牌VERA WANG,另外两套是由贾永婕的C.H. Wedding婚纱提供。 



吴佩慈取消出席 避免尴尬










Dee Hsu collapsed in the middle of filming

Dee Hsu, the host of Taiwanese variety show Here Comes Kangxi, collapsed suddenly on Wednesday when filming the programme due to giddiness. The 36-year-old was believed to have begun filming from noon till evening when she felt uncomfortable and fell to the ground in spasms.

The production unit was in shock and cancelled the recording of the show. The incident led to rumours of the mother of three expecting a fourth baby, but her manager denied those speculations.

She explained it was due to fatigue after Dee brought her daughters for a 10-day vacation. Dee returned to Taiwan on Tuesday and was still suffering from jet leg. In addition, she started work immediately, worked the entire day and was tired.

Her manager added, “Dee Hsu had already felt faint when she stepped into the studio. She probably did not eat dinner and had low blood sugar that day, so filming was cancelled.”

Dee Hsu, who is alright now, went home to rest without seeing the doctor as she did not have any schedules yesterday.

The Royal 4 (Elson Soh, Javier Ng, Darryl Ou, Carlton Yung) hold Exclusive Fan Gay Party!

The new music combination The Royal 4, formed up by four emerging singers recently, namely: Elson Soh from Singapore, Javier Ng from Malaysia, Darryl Ou from Taiwan and Carlton Yung from Hong Kong, held their first “Exclusive Fan GAY Party” at one of the cafe in Taiwan last weekend. 

Their Taiwan artiste manager Ms Michelle was shocked when The Royal 4 brought up this idea to her as they mentioned the word “GAY Party”. After their explanation, she understand that this is actually a concept proposed by their various fan-club chairpersons, which is a fan gathering without the artiste manager or staff accompanying the singers, and the gathering will be planned by the fans instead of the artiste management. As for the word GAY Party actually stand for HAPPY Party.

This fan gathering only invite 10 exclusive fans to meet The Royal 4 and the fans says that they really enjoyed themselves during the party at the cafe. They also expressed that the four singers are friendly and down to earth, and hope that their artiste management can allow this party to be held end of this year in Taiwan again.

The Royal 4 stated that they hope to bring this exclusive fan gathering concept to all their fans in Asia, and hope to meet their fans during their upcoming debut compilation album releasing end of this year.