柯震东变回阳光男孩 自我补刀安慰九把刀


柯震东与房祖名在北京吸毒被捕,至今已2个半月,柯震东返回台湾获缓起诉。吸毒被捕事件前,柯震东是「金童」,在台湾与内地市场吸金,但涉毒影响形 象太大。除了惨遭大陆全面封杀,他代言的19个广告,也部分下架,并面对赔偿问题。有部分在进行友善协商,一半以上厂商仍力挺,表示愿意等他,相信他终能 返内地。

面对之前传的新绯闻,柯震东称那是乌龙,现在没对象,还没碰到好的人想谈恋爱。提及旧爱萧亚轩 (Elva),柯震东表示,祝福对方有新恋情,又说Elva很体贴,提议将两人恋爱时养的狗送到柯家陪他,因不想连累Elva被记者追访,柯震东婉拒了好 意。对好友九把刀早前的劈腿事件,柯震东也鼓励对方说:「想想我,你还好。」

提到在北京被捕,柯震东坦言感到很害怕,拍摄道歉片段是经过自己同意拍摄。提及他可能会被大陆封杀3年,是否担心人气下滑,柯震东表示说:「我会先 做好自己该做的,如果是部好的电影,观众会回来的。」至于房祖名,柯震东表示他一直都没有消息,因为不看新闻,知道的甚至比媒体还要少。

What happens when you go on date and had to pretend to be someone you are not. #baddatesurvivor


2014年11月1日,第二届中华民族服饰展演•西塘汉服文化周将登陆西塘古镇。10月31日,彩排正进行得如火如荼。活动总导演方文山亲临彩排现 场全程指导工作,彩排工作在活动组委会及志愿者的高效组织与协调配合下进行得有条不紊,活动服装、道具、设备都已准备妥当,一切蓄势待发。

据了解,自10月30日开始,「一笔一划画汉服」签到活动已陆续开展,到场参与者签名、画画留念,以表对传统文化及汉服的喜爱与支持。31日下午, 西塘古镇彩排现场聚集了来自全国各省市乃至世界各地的汉服团体,参与人数达千人之多。活动参与者早早到场为彩排活动做充分准备,彩排工作在全体参与者的共 同合作与努力下顺利进行。活动总导演方文山亲自上阵对彩排工作全程指导,他向全体参与者致以由衷感谢,并对活动的圆满开展表达诚挚祝愿。台湾「时尚教母」 江怡蓉女士也倾情加盟了本次活动,为传统文化的时尚演绎形式提出指导与宝贵建议。此外,王曼灵、项一芯、屠燕、袁艺四位艺人也随行前来,对活动表示鼎力支 持与诚挚祝愿。

据悉,第二届汉服文化周活动将于11月1日早9点在西塘景区南门入口正式开幕。本活动由浙江西塘旅游文化发展有限公司主办,北京方道文山流文化传媒 有限公司承办。2013年11月,首届汉服文化周活动在西塘古镇圆满举行,吸引了大批汉服同好与游客热情参与,在文化界掀起「汉潮」热,影响力惊人。本届 活动将秉承总导演方文山及承办方北京方道文山流文化传媒有限公司主推的风格,以时尚流行的形式推广、中国风、传承中国传统文化。相较于首届,本届在形式和 内容上皆有创新。本届汉服文化周主要包括朝代嘉年华、文化扎根仪式、方文山万人大演讲、箭阵操演、青年论坛、四美游河、耆老孝祝、河灯祈愿、汉潮 PARTY、射礼仪式等活动内容,是一场着眼于文化传承的视听盛宴,相信本次活动一定能给传统文化爱好人士及游客带来别开生面的文化享受与非比寻常的精彩 体验!

Scored a date and messed things up? Share your story and stand to win prizes and 2D1N Staycay #eSynchrony

2NE1, EXO, Winner, B2ST and More Named Top 10 Artists of ‘MelOn Music Awards 2014’

MelOn Music Awards 2014 has unveiled its Top 10 list.

Loen Entertainment, which operates the online music site MelOn, named MelOn Music Awards 2014’s Top 10 artists who received the most love throughout this year and announced on October 31 that the second round of voting to select the winners of different categories will begin.

This year’s MelOn Music Awards 2014 Top 10 includes 2NE1, EXO, g.o.d, Winner, Girl’s Day, B2ST, SISTAR, IU, Akdong Musician, Big Bang’s Taeyang, who have been selected through online voting (20%) and music scores (80%).

The Top 10 artists include some of the most popular male idol groups, such as EXO and B2ST as well as 1st generation idol group g.o.d. Three girl groups, namely 2NE1, Girl’s Day and SISTAR, also are on the list.

Winner and Akdong Musician, the monster rookie groups that have caused a major wave, Big Bang’s Taeyang who successfully carried out his solo activities this year and IU, who swept the charts with her mature sentiments, have also been named.

The first round of online voting raked in over 4.37 million votes, more than twice the amount compared to last year. The second round of voting to select the winners for various awards will continue until November 12.

2NE1, EXO, Winner, B2ST and More Named Top 10 Artists of ‘MelOn Music Awards 2014’

The winners of MelOn Music Awards 2014’s Artist of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year awards will be announced during the award ceremony taking place on November 13.

The nominees for various genres of awards, including The Newcomer Award, Netizen Popularity Award and Hot Trend Award, have also been announced. The winners will be selected after the results are collected from the second round of online voting closing on November 12.

The nominees for The Newcomer Award include Winner, Park Bo Ram, Red Velvet, Eddy Kim and MAMAMOO. The nominees for The Netizen Popularity Award include EXO, Infinite, B2ST, B1A4, Winner, Park Hyo Shin and more. The nominees of The Hot Trend Award include High4 & IU’s Not Spring, Love or Cherry Blossoms, San E & Reina’s A Midsummer Night’s Sweetness, Soyou & Junggigo’s Some and more.

The upcoming MelOn Music Awards 2014 will be carried out under the concept of ‘Melon, You: Your Music Story.’

MelOn Music Awards 2014 will be launched on November 13 Olympic Gymnastics Arena and will be aired live through MBC Music, MBC Every1, MBC Queen, MelOn, 1thek and YouTube channel, making it available for all fans in and out of Korea to watch.

Are you being your true self when finding love? #baddatesurvivor #eSynchrony

Epik High’s Tablo Leaves a Mystery Tweet with a Date, a Time, and a Place

Currently topping the charts and winning music programs with the group’s new album, Epik High’s Tablo left a mysterious tweet that’s getting fans excited.

On October 30, Tablo tweeted, “Tomorrow (Friday) 5-7. Hongdae Playground.”

While there was no mention of what would be happening at the famous Hongdae Playground, where many performances take place, fans are speculating that Epik High may be putting on a mini concert to thank fans for all the love and support the group’s received with its eighth album Shoebox.

Epik High released Shoebox on October 21 with the title songs Happen Ending and Spoiler. The tracks on the album have all ranked high on music charts across the web. Epik High also won the number 1 trophy on Mnet’s M COUNTDOWN on October 30 with Happen Ending

Ever been on a bad date and wish it didn’t happened? #baddatesurvivor #eSynchrony

新加坡創作歌手蘇奕銓成功登韓 「歐爸韓國風」粉絲尖叫 誤認為韓國歌手

新加坡創作歌手蘇奕銓八月來台灣演出受到關注外,日前首度飛往韓國進行活動演出,韓國團隊為蘇奕銓全新打造「歐爸韓國風」,加上蘇奕銓溫柔嗓音,迷倒現場觀 眾,開唱後,深受韓國女生喜愛,蘇奕銓表示,上台前很緊張,很怕沒人喜歡,但聽到掌聲及尖叫聲,心情頓時輕鬆很多,明年一定會再來韓國。

而 有韓國歌迷在蘇奕銓官方臉書留下,因沒注意到此次活動消息,沒能看到演出,萬分後悔,這位韓國歌迷期望明年蘇奕銓能夠再來韓國開唱,一定會帶朋友到場支 持。皇室娛樂負責人蘇煒倫表示,此次韓國演出十分成功,感謝韓國團隊的協助,韓國樂迷的喜愛,蘇煒倫更透露,明年蘇奕銓會在韓國發行單曲,以及前往日本開 唱。




另外,11月開始蘇奕銓有許多活動演出,記得關注 Elson Soh 蘇奕銓 官方臉書,會有更多行程公布及更多好消息。




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We indulge in food that are difficult to digest, that’s why we need VITAGEN to help your digestion.

f(x)’s Amber to Rap on SUJU-M Zhou Mi’s Solo Debut Stage This Week

Releasing his first solo album, Super Junior-M’s Zhou Mi will be unveiling the teaser and highlight medley videos for the title song Rewind today (October 30).

On October 30, Zhou Mi will be unveiling the music video teaser for the title song Rewind through his official website, SM Town’s YouTube channel and Chinese site iQiyi.

The highlight medley video for the title song Rewind as well as the other tracks will also be released today

Zhou Mi will also be performing the new song Rewind starting with MBC’s Music Core on November 1 and f(x)’s Amber will be joining him on stage as the rapper on Music Core and Inkigayo airing this week.

Zhou Mi’s first mini album will be released on various music sites on October 31 and offline release is set for November 3.

Resisting temptation is difficult. Managing your digestive health isn’t. Be good to your gut, give it VITAGEN.

Jung Il Woo Gets Stuck in Shanghai Airport After Losing Passport and Visa

Jung Il Woo is currently detained in China.

On October 30, Jung Il Woo was stuck at the Shanghai airport, unable to return to Korea.

Jung Il Woo attended the Cosmo Beauty Awards at the Shagri-La Hotel in Shanghai on October 29. He was scheduled to return to Incheon on October 30 at 10:50 AM KST

However, ahead of his flight out, Jung Il Woo lost his passport and visa and is currently detained at the Shanghai Airport.

Jung Il Woo′s agency told Newsen on October 30, “As both his visa and passport have been lost, Jung Il Woo has his feet tied at the Shanghai Airport. It looks like he′ll either be returning as early as today in the afternoon or as late as tomorrow.”

Following his attendance at the Cosmo Beauty Awards, Jung Il Woo plans to start his Asia tour in December.

Resisting temptation is difficult. Managing your digestive health isn’t. Be good to your gut, give it VITAGEN.

曾國城遭虧挺肚主持金鐘 做效果自比陳漢典

昨(28)日《SS小燕之夜》主題討論頒獎典禮主持大不易,迎來甫鍍金的曾國城,以及曾有多次主持頒獎典 禮經驗的唐從聖和楊千霈。曾國城一出場就被小燕姐虧說:「從來沒看過有人挺著肚子主持頒獎典禮。」現場模仿起當天曾國城走星光大道的樣子,讓城城扶著額角 無奈回答:「不是我要挺著肚子,是根本收不住。」小燕姐觀察三人穿搭,笑說通常胖子都不會穿淺色或高領。穿著淺色高領的曾國城立刻解開領扣,放話可以深V 到肚臍。

三人混身是戲,上節目為宣傳舞台劇,即興表演信手捻來,由小燕姐起頭吐金鐘苦水,「觀眾常常在電視上看到我,以為得了很多獎,其實根本不是。」拭淚動作引 唐從聖戲精上身,對鏡頭喊話:「沒得獎就是不爽!」吐槽曾國城自己主持還自己得獎,明明超時還硬要講得獎感言,曾國城大呼:「想講又怕超時,我容易嗎?」 同時與唐從聖一起望向楊千霈,質疑連入圍都沒有的人坐在這幹嘛?楊千霈接梗反應快,悲情演出主持十五次卻沒得過獎的心酸,還被無情提醒:「而且都只能待在 外面(星光大道)。」

收起玩笑,小燕姐讚曾國城和徐乃麟搭檔默契十足,得獎實至名歸。曾國城表示和乃哥合作多年,互相建立信任,了解乃哥的主持節奏明快可一人掌控,笑稱:「我 只要負責做效果就好,就像陳漢典一樣。」小燕姐提及佼佼也讚他們兩人本次得獎可以說是「靈肉合一」,曾國城敏感回應:「是指他是徐乃『靈』,我是曾國 『肉』嗎?」話題始終圍繞身材,他表示覺得以前真的太瘦,現在剛好。

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