姐妹淘陳意涵遭爆淪為小三 張鈞甯:會好好關心她










Quotables: Female-on-Male Rape is a Real Thing … and Should NEVER Be Ignored

“One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for ten minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me … There were hundreds of people in line when she walked out with disheveled hair and smudged lipstick. It was no good, not just for me but her man as well. On top of that my girl was in line to see me, because it was Valentine’s Day and I was living in the gallery for the duration of the event – we were separated for five days, no communication. So it really hurt her as well, as I guess the news of it travelled through the line. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn’t speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful.”

–Shia LaBeouf in a bombshell interview exposing the truth of a horrific act that occurred when Shia put himself on display during his “I’m Not Famous Anymore” gallery showing, and since Shia’s being all honest and repentant these days, we can do the honest thing, too: this is a huge, huge thing for Shia to admit, and it sheds light on an extraordinarily important topic that often goes unrecognized in “polite” society — male rape.

Shia’s obviously going through a trying time right now — and he’s done and said a lot of stuff in the past that’s made us question both his credibility and his good sense … but whatever’s happening here is happening for a reason, and if nothing else, allow it to raise awareness about something pretty critical to humanity.

Kelly Clarkson Is Absolutely Flawless

Everyone, quick, gather round and watch Kelly Clarkson‘s brand new music video for a little Christmas song she did called “Wrapped in Red”! Let your ears delight in her beautiful voice, and let your eyes widen in wonder as you look upon her gorgeous self! Your mind will be stimulated by all of these lovely senses, and your heart will swell with the pure greatness that is Kelly Clarkson. It will be a wonderful experience for your whole entire soul.

歌手蘇奕銓和 Kata 在新加坡的第一個約會!

新加坡創作歌手蘇奕銓近日結束台灣和韓國的演出后,以高人氣指數成為 Kata 新加坡第一位被贊助的藝人,還在第一時間拿到 Kata 剛出爐的智能手機 Kata i3s。

他在 Kata 新加坡專賣店還非常享受,因為這是蘇奕銓第一次可以在一家手機專賣店那麼自由試用各種手機款式,還在店裡錄制一段清唱視頻,說是要送給他在亞洲的粉絲們!蘇奕銓表示 Kata 智能手機是超值,因為他時常會用手機觀看偶像周杰倫,王力宏,林俊桀和自己的音樂視頻,所以對音響非常講究。


蘇奕銓笑言這次來到Kata新加坡專賣店,好像是來約會!當被記者問到感情生活時,蘇奕銓很“嚴肅”回答:“我的女朋友叫 Kata i3s!” 記者們都不約而同大笑起來!

小剛舌戰自由發揮 3人「雨打花瓣的聲音」成Rap




Jacky學影視拍攝發揮所長 為哥哥柯有倫拍攝MV





Kirk Cameron Just Got Even Sadder

Kirk Cameron has this very special thing going on where he can either be infuriatingly ignorant or just so incredibly, overwhelmingly pitiful. The pitifulness, that stems from the ignorance, of course: sometimes he’s just so ridiculous, you can’t help but feel bad for him. That’s where we’re at today.

See, Kirk, bless his silly little heart, has this movie coming out called “Saving Christmas.” It doesn’t take a whole lot of brainpower to figure out what the movie is about (taking Christmas back from the heathens, of course), and it takes even less to guess what the quality of the movie is like (bad, you guys, so, so bad). And that’s why it has a score of 8% right now on Rotten Tomatoes, which, just to be clear, is a very bad score. But Kirk just won’t accept that, not even for a minute. Here’s the passionate, kind of embarrassing message he posted on Facebook about it:

Help me storm the gates of Rotten Tomatoes! All of you who love Saving Christmas – go rate it at Rotten Tomatoes right now and send the message to all the critics that WE decide what movies we want our families to see! If 2,000 of you (out of almost 2 million on this page) take a minute to rate Saving Christmas, it will give the film a huge boost and more will see it as a result! Thank you for all your help and support in putting the joy of Christ back in Christmas!

And really, all by itself, that message is fine. Kirk made a movie for a very specific audience, and that audience is going to enjoy the movie greatly. The rest of us, however, aren’t going to love it, hence the low score, but since Kirk is so close to the project he feels defensive about it. That’s normal. But then Kirk made a second post about the issue. And it’s just not good:

Keep storming! The gates of Rotten Tomatoes are falling! You are A M A Z I N G! You just drove the Rotten Tomato rating to an all-time, soaring high of 94%! Now the haters and atheists are coming out of the woodwork, attempting to hammer your good work (they rallied to drop your rating super low). They are attempting, once again, to ruin Saving Christmas for everyone. Look at their language, vulgarity, and spirit of hate. They can try to ruin a rating, but they can’t stop you from going with family and friends to see Saving Christmas this weekend! If people continue to turn out, the theaters will hold the movie longer. YOU have the power, just like with Rotten Tomatoes, to keep Saving Christmas in the theaters. Your support sends a very loud message. Films like Soul Surfer, God’s Not Dead, Courageous and Saving Christmas are small lights in a dark world. Together, let’s light up movie theaters this weekend and remind everyone this Christmas of the true reason for the season. Together, they can’t stop us! Are you with me??

It’s like Kirk thinks that the devil himself is possessing people and forcing them to give his movie bad reviews, and that’s just sad. Because maybe it’s not this big conspiracy against Christianity, Kirk Cameron. Maybe you just made a bad movie.

Johnny Depp Can Stop Talking Any Minute Now

Look, I know it’s sad to talk about Johnny Depp these days, what with his fall from supreme greatness to, well, whatever it is he’s doing these days. It hurts that the man who gave us “Edward Scissorhands” and “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” is spending his time playing a pirate for money and accessorizing, but that’s just the way it is.

Not only is Johnny Depp disappointing us in his movie and fashion choices, he’s also disappointing us just in general. Remember that speech that he gave a couple of weeks back where he seemed super trashed? It’s just not good. And speaking of not good, this new interview he did with Details magazine … the disappointments never end.

On not giving a f—:

“What is really satisfying is, like Marlon, getting to that place where he just didn’t give a f—. First, I reached a point where I cared so much and was so diligent in terms of approaching the work. Then you get to where you care so f—ing much that it gets goddamn beleaguering, you know? But then a great thing happens. Suddenly you care enough to not give a f—, because not giving a f—, that’s the total liberation. Being game to try anything.”

On being f—in’ shy:

“I’m f—in’ shy, man. I’m living, in a sense, like a fugitive. I don’t like to be in social situations—it’s fine for me in a weird way, having to run and hide. Less and less, I have the opportunity to observe, because I’m the one being observed.”

On f—in’ Marlon Brando:

“As Marlon once so beautifully f—ing said to me, life is a birdsong. That’s stuck with me. For everybody, the clock’s ticking. The main thing is whether you sit there and stare at the clock in fear of your ultimate demise—which is pointless—or you just live.”

On being a dog:

“It’s like being a dog at the track. They expect you to live up to some race you happened to be in and won accidentally. From that first second, you’re nothing more than a commodity. They have expectations of another Pirates. It’s great if something works. Boy, that’s killer. But God, to have that as your design . . . it’s ugly, I think.”

On his career:

“The process I love. The other stuff . . . I can deal with being a fugitive for a bit, but I don’t know how much longer a human being really wants to be that. Actors essentially have to peddle their ass to sell the movie. All the by-products or occupational hazards of the thing … At a certain point, one has to dig deep and go, ‘Man, it is a birdsong.'”

If he’s so shy, and if he doesn’t give a f— so much, then why is he even bothering? Why make another “Pirates of the Caribbean” if it makes him feel like a dog? Why be a “fugitive,” especially if he’s not even making good movies anymore to justify it? It’s sad that this is what it’s come to, but maybe Johnny should just go away for a while. If this is the Johnny Depp we’re getting, maybe it would be better to get no Johnny Depp at all.

CUG嘻遊記成軍 周董親加冕戴上金箍圈祝歌壇齊天大聖72變

【WoWoNews】號稱史上最「稀有」的男孩團體「CUG嘻遊記」今天(25日) 正式成軍,由綜藝天王阿KEN、周杰倫御用舞蹈老師雪糕(Snow)、小麥(Mai)3人組成,團名取「西遊記」的諧音,叫做「嘻遊記」,「嘻」字顧名思義就是-嘻哈Hip Hop,並帶出此團精神-「認真的嘻嘻哈哈」;不只如此,該團的始作俑者更大有來頭,是歌壇超級天王周杰倫,源自於去年9月一次朋友聚會,阿KEN和杰倫相談甚歡,沒想到當晚杰倫就訂了錄音室邀他作音樂,昨周杰倫也閃電現身記者會,為一手「催生」的男孩團體站台,他為他們新歌【夜店咖】貢獻詞曲創作和擔任MV導演,一上台就誇阿KEN女裝扮相美,還親自為「CUG嘻遊記」一一戴上象徵美猴王的「金箍圈」,祝他們72變成為歌壇的齊天大聖!阿KEN等人則很謙虛地說:「未來會用心的和娛樂圈的達人們取經,創造火花滿足粉絲的夢想。」

