Everyone Congratulate Tila Tequila on Remaining Wonderful!

Man, what a bumpy ride we’ve had with Tila Tequila for the past year or so, huh? Things were real weird for a while there with all the Hitler stuff, but then she got pregnant and discovered the errors of her ways, and ever since she’s been kind of awesome. It seems like motherhood has really turned her life around, and we can’t let that go by without praise.

Also deserving of praise is Tila’s reclaiming of her super hot bod. You can see in the photo up there what she looks like now, seven weeks after giving birth to her daughter, and here’s what she has to say about it:

7 weeks postpartum, and I’m almost back to normal! Still have about 15 pounds to lose, but that shouldn’t be hard since Isabella keeps me working round the clock! Woohoo! Let’s go! ‪#‎Motivated‬ ‪#‎Fitness‬ ‪#‎Accomplished‬‪#‎Diet‬ ‪#‎BabyCardio‬ ‪#‎Breastfeeding‬

Now, you know we’d still love her even if she hadn’t gotten her pre-baby body back in such an insane amount of time, but it’s obvious that she feels good about herself, so we feel good about her too. And that’s what loving someone is all about, guys.

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