黃子佼接中天《Kiss Hotel》主持棒 小S送花籃祝賀

中天綜合台從5/2起推出台日合作的實境秀節目《Kiss Hotel》,由黃子佼與日本女星池端玲名一起攜手搭檔,節目成員卡司網羅台、日、韓三國,有日本歌手中孝介、金城武的姪女曾宇璦、伊林歌手郭曉曉、韓國演藝新人張海松跟性格素人楊宗樺,今(29)日來自各國的成員齊聚一堂舉辦宣傳記者會,由於《Kiss Hotel》是黃子佼首度在中天所接下的節目,小S特別送上一對高架花籃祝賀,上面寫著「主持天王,尚未娶妻,忙碌之餘,別忘感情」,對此黃子佼表示感謝,除了祝她早日康復,笑說應該禮尚往來,「若有需要願意打八折代班康熙!」

黃子佼首次在中天電視接下節目擔任主持人,他一上台就說「踏進中天有點想哭的感覺」,很開心受邀主持《Kiss Hotel》,他認為「實境秀」將是未來的節目趨勢,和日本團隊合作更是見識到專業嚴謹的一面,「在娛樂圈他們是很前衛高端的,池端玲名非常敬業,雖然語言不通,但在家裡就把所有中文練好,而且製作團隊作業精準,全部按表操課,一到七點準時收工,嚇死了!」不只黃子佼和池端玲名是跨國搭檔,參與《Kiss Hotel》節目成員也是台日韓三國組合,素昧平生的成員們共處一室,分享彼此生活點滴,黃子佼認為「在不同語言中反而會有自然的曖昧」,這也是節目最大賣點。如果有機會選擇室友,黃子佼希望和金城武同居,「因為金城武是我出道以來,華人世界最神秘的一顆星,不知道他平常在幹嘛,不只觀眾想看,我自己都很好奇,他對我來說就是一個謎!」

而五名入住《Kiss Hotel》的成員都表示事前互不相識,要跟陌生人同住一個屋簷下心情很忐忑,所幸大家都很好相處,消弭了緊張不安,中孝介說:「因為我不太會說中文,語言對我來說是個很大障礙,就算回日本我也很努力練習中文,希望可以縮短跟大家的距離。」由於每集還設定必須完成與指定成員Kiss的神祕任務,記者會上成員們都賣關子,不肯透露接吻對象,曾宇璦說:「親了之後第一反應就知道對這個人有沒有怦然心動,當其中一位親吻我的時候,那感覺好強烈喔。」張海松則表示:「在親之前非常緊張,親了之後情感很糾結,不知如何形容,但感覺蠻好的,還不錯。」黃子佼聽了笑說:「這節目會出事,會不小心誕生很多對戀人!」

2015臺灣文博會正式開展 用華人優質生活品味重新定義文創



「臺灣是美麗的國家、美麗的島嶼,也是我的家(Taiwan is a beautiful country, a beautiful island, and is my country)」 ,文化部洪孟啟部長於開場致詞時表示, 2015年臺灣文博會不同於以往以單一場域作為展區,以「城市即展場,展場即生活」概念,驅動整個城市成為一個大型博覽會,向全世界展示臺灣就是觀察華人優質生活的櫥窗,也是文化和創意、人文與科技結合共浴的實踐場域。

2015臺灣文博會藉由展場分流和行業聚焦的策略,將華山規劃為工藝、圖像授權展區,代表廠商包括在國際市場穩健發展的陶作坊、法藍瓷、藝拓國際,從流行音樂跨足圖像授權經紀的華研國際,自從企業吉祥物開發延伸授權運用的7-11 Open小將;松菸展區則有品家家品聯合舊振南、掌生穀粒首度推出「起家」人生聚場概念展,以及琉璃工房、晴壤創意等;花博則有備受矚目臺灣新銳服裝設計師詹朴、陳邵彥、黃薇、田明彬及實踐大學時尚設計品牌PRAXES同場競豔,精彩可期。

國際參與部分,則有日本富山縣和東京墨田區帶來的職人工藝和文創振興、時尚展區由英國UK Pavilion和泰國館重新定義的潮流,展現出不同土地孕育出的文化底蘊與生活價值。

開幕典禮後,張善政副院長與洪部長帶領出席貴賓與媒體朋友導覽華山1914文創園區,走訪由策展人羅申駿以河流為構想的「源本」主題展、集結各國潛力新秀的亞洲新銳區、全球首發Tea party2茶酒體驗的陶作坊、新品亮相的藝拓國際、推出90年院慶和南院行銷的故宮及臺灣工藝中心Yii品牌等,搶先體驗轉型後的文博新貌。

Local singer-songwriter Elson Soh blog about his experience at a pest-infested flat in Eunos Crescent

Local singer-songwriter Elson Soh blog about his experience at a pest-infested flat in Eunos Crescent when he visited this family with his Project Coordinator Jacky Goh last night.

His blog post went viral and attracted more than 100 Singaporeans contacting him and Jacky Goh via whatsapp since this morning, stating that they are willing to step forward to assist in the house cleaning.

Senior Lawyer Tan Lam Siong, also volunteered at Project Awareness, expressing his interest in giving a counseling session for Mr Lim and Mdm Soh, the owners of the flat.

Elson Soh replied to the online media that he will have a discussion with his team and will update everybody through Project Awareness Facebook page by this weekend on how they could assist this family.

Read his blog post below:

Pest-infested flat in Eunos Crescent plagues neighbours

Went to visit this unit which was published in The Straits Times and Shin Ming Daily News. My team and myself got a shock when the owner Mr Lim (74 years old) opened his door as the smell was indeed unbearable.

We can see dozens of cockroaches crawling around, while dead ones lay motionless on the sticky floor and some even on the walls.

There are stacks of newspapers, clothes, boxes, empty bottles and cans lined the walls. The items filled the two rooms and kitchen to a chest-high level, and there was only a narrow passage left for walking. Mr Lim sleeps on the sofa at the living room, while Mdm Soh (66 years old) sleeps at the utility room next to the toilet. The condition in the kitchen is even worst, as we can see flying cockroaches accompanied by the smell of rotten foods filled the place, and dying insects can be seen everywhere.

I spoke to Mr Lim and asked why he had refused to throw away those dirty items and he replied to me saying all these items belongs to his wife Mdm Soh. When we ask him where is Mdm Soh, he say they are not on talking term since 20 years ago, even since she suffered from post-natal depression. When asked of the pest infestation, Mr Lim says that all the cockroaches are his “friends” now.

When we left the house, we spoke to two neighbours and they are very concerned about this family, not because of their dirty environment but both the elderly health condition. I can tell that their neighbours actually do care for them, just that their helping hands had been rejected.

While we were walking back to our car, we saw a women hiding behind the letter box peeping at us. When I ask her whether she is Mrs Lim, she scream at us, saying that why we write all the untruth stuffs about her house in the newspaper. After we tell her we are volunteers from Project Awareness, she quieten down and invited us to sit down to chat. We bought her an ice cream and after taking a few mouthfuls, she kept the remainder inside a maggot filled plastic bags. Ants can also be seen crawling in and out of her shirt but it doesnt seem to bother her too.

During the chatting session, me and my Project Coordinator Jacky Goh, can tell that she is suffering from some kind of mental disorder, as she keep telling us that she attempted suicide a couple of times. We did try our best to encourage her to sell away all her items inside the house to exchange for cash, but she insisted on keeping all the items.

Mdm Soh share with us that many government agencies approach her recently, and she is very willing to let the Town Council and HDB do the house cleaning for her. But after awhile, she changed her mind suddenly and accused us of trying to trick her to throw away her stuffs at her home.

I’m wondering how Project Awareness can help Mr Lim and Mdm Soh, especially when both of them are living in such a terrible condition environment. My heart sank when I was sitting close to Mdm Soh. Jacky, on the other hand, accompanied Mr Lim inside their house. I feel that the both of them have a serious communication problem, and I really hope we can have a solution for them.

Source: http://elsonsoh.blogspot.sg/2015/04/pest-infested-flat-in-eunos-crescent.html

Get it, Bruce!

Bruce Jenner has the most recent People magazine cover, and in the accompanying feature, we learn even more about what’s happening behind closed doors in the post-interview world in which we now live.

About his current behavior, sources to People say that Bruce is  “more and more” confident, and that he “is living as a woman.” The source continues, “Recently, he’s left his house with nail polish and lip gloss. He seems more comfortable in his new life.”

It doesn’t stop there, though — the insider says that Bruce’s psyche seems to have undergone its own transformation. “He’s so excited about everything female,” says the source. “He loves to dress up, he loves wearing high heels, he loves doing his hair.”

And you know what, no matter how you feel about the Kardashians, here it is: at the end of the day, what’s not to love about Bruce Jenner and his story? He’s 65 years old and finally able to embrace who he’s been — inside — his entire life. If you didn’t see the glee in his eyes when he brought out his little black dress and showed Diane Sawyer, then you basically missed the banner moment of the interview altogether. It summed it things up perfectly, and honestly … if you don’t support Bruce in his transition journey, then apparently you don’t support happiness.

Never Doing Yoga Again … Never Doing Yoga Again …

Yeah, this isn’t weird and awkward at all. Oh, wait, no; that’s not right. This is completely weird and awkward, and if the original photo didn’t put you off yoga as it was, then this should just about do it: this absolute frightening video horror of limb and spine contortion that is Coco and her sister.

The only thing that might be more harrowing is the idea that they’re doing this on concrete.

Anybody else happen to hear the quip from “My Big, Fat Greek Wedding” ringing like an echo in their ears? No? Then here it is, all for you:

“All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the hormones. It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio… the b… the… the bios… the… b… the ‘bobopsy’. Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin.”

夏嘉璐主播速成班教戰 助李千娜用眼神、架式撐場





公眾人物壓力大 侯佩岑不鼓勵兒子走演藝圈

侯佩岑今(28)日出席「加骨勁 撐起孩子未來」活動,垷場分享媽媽經,提及寶貝兒子已七個多月大,超過10公斤的體重讓她抱起來都頗感吃力,她表示,之前還因為抱孩子太久而引發肌鍵炎,讓她深覺得存好骨本的重要;侯佩岑並笑說,以前她和先生一聽到孩子哭聲都會先趕緊往房間去看,而現在則是先護腰、洗手消毒並戴起一些保護手骨關節的配備,以適應孩子越長越大。侯佩岑有感而發說:「現在小朋友蠻重的,有時要抱個2、30分鐘不是那麼容易的事。」



Pardon Us While We Weep for Humanity

This is Sarah Stage, that lingerie model who had the seemingly impossibly small baby bump at nine months pregnant. She had her baby exactly two weeks ago — a big, healthy baby boy — so of course it’s time for her to start that infernal waist training. Because this is the society we live in, and what would we be if we didn’t have inhumanly tiny waists?

It’s just that it would be nice if we lived in a world where so very much importance wasn’t placed on how quickly a woman loses weight after housing a human in her body. Sure, it’s nice if someone is into fitness and enjoys pursuing that, and it’s important to feel good and all of that. And of course it’s hard not to comment when celebrities somehow manage to lose all their baby weight in what seems like days after delivery. But guys … it’s fine to just chill with your baby and have some leftover belly for a while, too.

Also, can the waist training trend just die already? Please?

比利時性感男星馬提亞斯修奈爾彈琴把妹 音樂魂爆發

比利時男星馬提亞斯修奈爾以電影《烈愛重生》(Rust and Bone)創下事業高峰,並獲法國凱薩獎最佳新人男演員獎肯定的他,以自然又充滿爆發力的演技擄獲影迷的心。這回他在《亂世有情天》中飾演英勇、帥氣又有教養的德國軍官,卻意外愛上法國已婚少婦,也因為兩國對立的敏感背景,讓兩人陷入矛盾愛戀。原名《法蘭西組曲》的這部電影,「音樂」與「愛情」自然是建構本片情節的兩大支柱,也讓愛情成為情節的音符,譜出全片浪漫樂曲;尤其本片時而淡雅舒緩,時而波瀾壯闊的配樂,更是觀賞特色之一。男女主角在片中既「彈琴」也「談情」,一場彈鋼琴的戲,男主角以優美琴藝,融化女主角原本武裝的心。不過拍攝這場浪漫彈琴戲,可是苦倒了蜜雪兒威廉絲。原來她從沒學過鋼琴,因此讓她花費幾個月時間學習,才得以在片中有模有樣地呈現出彈琴演技。


