Looking Good, Eminem — Now Only if You Could Stop the Jackassery!

Great news, everyone: remember last year when Eminem went out looking all gaunt and scary, and we all started worrying about his wellbeing? And then remember when he didn’t really do much in the public eye for several months, and we all worried about him again? Well, we can finally set our concerns to the side, because the guy went and showed up in a photo on Twitter, and he’s looking just fine. Healthy, and, well, not happy, exactly, but it’s not like Eminem is known for his smiles.

Congrats, buddy! Now if you could just work on not being awful, we’d all have it made!

It’s Getting Real Up in the Playboy Mansion

Just when you thought all of the scarring mental images of graphic geriatric sex were over, boom — it’s all up in your face, all over again, courtesy of your favorite ex-Girl Next Door, Holly Madison.

Let your girl tell you all about the creepy letters she received from her ex-boss/lover or whatever that she received after leaving the Mansion:

“They were all very formal, short letters, and it would usually be in response to something I said in the press. At the time I had a TV show … on, so I was doing all kinds of random interviews and they’d ask me my opinion on the new Girls Next Door or who he was dating. If I said anything that was slightly not to his liking he’d send me some reprimanding type of letter.”

Weird, right? And even she — who claims to have endured the world’s most uncomfortable orgies — thought they were a little creepy:

“There was a very creepy vibe to them. I felt like he was trying to act like he was my dad and like control every move that I made.”

So there you have it — the Playboy Mansion is basically the antithesis of “happiest place on earth,” Disney World, and if you didn’t already think so, check out the bit where Holly talked about elderly masturbation. That should just about seal the deal for you.


以色列當紅美食節目《The Incredible Journey of Aharoni and Gidi》拍攝隊來臺取材在地美食,以國權威國廚Aharoni及當紅歌手Gidi話題雙主廚,疾行旋風橫掃臺灣市場、夜市、知名餐廳,更橫跨北回歸線探索臺灣寶島夏至線上最美味的食物。

由交通部觀光局、以色列駐臺代表處與外交部駐以色列代表處協力邀請以色列當紅美食節目《The Incredible Journey of Aharoni and Gidi》來臺拍攝,節目為雙主持,由名廚Israel Aharoni搭配當紅藝人Gidi Gov行走天下。

Israel Aharoni在以色列有國廚美名(以色列阿基師),35年前曾來臺學習中式料理,在以色列經營餐廳,出版多本烹飪書籍,也是美食專欄作家,Gidi Gov更是以色列當地搶手影歌雙棲藝人,外型和個性都酷似安東尼波登,對美食評價也毫不留情,年逾60,然舉手投足都展現熟男魅力。

兩人在以色列在各自領域獨佔鰲頭,共同合作更具話題性,《The Incredible Journey of Aharoni and Gidi》以到國外拍攝在地街頭美食為特色,成為以色列收視第一的節目,無人不曉,凡Aharoni與Gidi走過之處、品嘗的美食,都席捲粉絲追隨風潮,節目曾走過土耳其、越南、泰國等,都造成以國人民旅遊旋風,此行來臺之後亦預計前往日本。

Aharoni此行已是第4次來臺,對臺印象一如往常的美好,曾來臺學中式料理的他,幾乎每樣臺灣小吃都愛,2011年曾來臺透過觀光局的介紹品嘗過地道的燒餅油條,此行便特別要求一定要再次一親芳澤;Aharoni說:「不同上次,這次有喝到鹹豆漿,鹹豆漿的風味極佳,綿密的豆腐花口感令人意猶未盡,即使大汗淋漓仍無法停止,真的好棒!I love it.」


庫辛托瑪秀本錢《追拿吉普賽!》 衣不蔽體勇奪柏林銀熊獎

成為明星的方法很多,但羅馬尼亞男星庫辛托瑪(Cuzin Toma)的方式最堪稱獨特,他是靠著健碩體格、一頭栽進了影壇,隨著今年主演的《追拿吉普賽!》(Aferim!)票房大賣,現在還成了全羅馬尼亞最受期待的新星。有趣的是,他在《追拿吉普賽!》演的是被公爵追殺的吉普賽奴隸,由於體格健碩、成了大公爵夫人的入幕之賓,甚至還因為「天賦異稟」,讓大公爵夫人完事後興奮大呼「吉普賽人太棒了!」,而引發綠帽罩頂的大公爵忌恨,只得趕快穿起褲子,三十六計跑為上策!這部他讓大公爵頭戴綠帽、奪下今年柏林影展銀熊獎的電影《追拿吉普賽!》。

體格健碩的庫辛托瑪,十年前自體育學院畢業之後,就一改人生軌跡、走上了表演之路,還因為受邀演出「羅馬尼亞一代宗師」路西安品特萊(Lucian Pintilie)的作品,從此成為羅馬尼亞導演爭相邀請的演員。由於庫辛托瑪在校主修拳擊,身型格外壯碩,因此常演出軍人、警察甚至反派等角色。近年他的戲約大增,加上主演的電影《追拿吉普賽!》打破羅馬尼亞影史票房紀錄,使他瞬間行情大好。今年庫辛托瑪代表《追拿吉普賽!》出席柏林影展時,由於片中角色太引人遐思,人高馬大的他一出現,立刻成為媒體捕捉的焦點。



Channing Tatum’s Penis is the Scariest Thing

So Channing Tatum is basically a national treasure at this point, right? He’s almost too charming, and he’s so willing to share so much of himself with us all, and that’s why it hurts so much worse than it normally would to hear him talk about the time that he almost burned his junk off. Can you imagine? No more Tatum junk. The world would be such a darker place.

It happened a few years ago when he was in Scotland filming “The Eagle.” It was very cold at the time, and Channing had to do some filming in a river, so, you know, things were pretty chilly. Some crew members had the task of bringing hot water to the actors to pour down their pants (no shame here), but at one point, things took a dark turn. As he explained it to Howard Stern, the crew would boil the water, take it to the river, then mix in some of the cold river water so that it would be cool enough to be thrown down some pants. Tragically, that last step wasn’t taken, and our dear Channing Tatum ended up with boiling water directly on his penis:

“I started hyperventilating and screaming and jumping back into the river, because it was a hypothermic river and we had wet suits on, which was the worst part about it … Like when you burn your finger and it just keeps burning. It kept burning for like the next probably 20 to 30 minutes. I was having a complete panic attack … I didn’t have skin on my penis. It oddly didn’t scar. It’s a resilient place down there. It healed pretty quick … I’m peeing and my shriveled burnt penis…I was like, ‘Why god?! Why did you do this to me?'”

Bless you, Channing Tatum, and all the horrors you’ve endured. As we lay down to sleep tonight, we’ll be sure to think of your junk, and we’ll wish it well.

Kylie Jenner’s Ass is Like WHAT NO OH MAN (Kylie, Cannes We Ass U a Question?)

… The question in question, of course, would be something along the lines of “dat ass,” but since we know that’s not actually a question, and since we realize that asking anything about it is like beating a dead horse, we’re just going to take a step back and analyze what’s happening here (in society, not with Kylie Jenner‘s ass; we already have myriad ideas what’s happening there).

Time flies by and before you know it, a girl’s all grown up with an ass three times her size.

超偶劉行格力挺同志幸福 受邀為【仲夏夜之戀‧世紀婚禮】獻唱

亞洲知名女性專屬派對品牌「女人國 Lez’s Meeting」,成立至今邁入第十年了,今年展開了一系列慶祝十週年的活動,本週六6/27即將上場的為【仲夏夜之戀‧世紀婚禮】派對!當天活動邀請在超級偶像嶄露頭角並奪得中國流行音樂金鐘獎第二名的劉行格獻唱幸福組曲,以及曾與Miss Ko葛仲珊、Joanna Wang王若琳共同獲選擔任台灣代表參與紐約CMJ音樂節演出的皇后刷手DJ Noodles共同演出。





李威、李康宜《小孩大人》再續前緣 最小得獎童星駱炫銘迷倒同校學姊



超「萌」小小鮮肉發燒! 韓國及大陸綜藝節目掀起一股萌星風,台灣戲劇圈也有超人氣偶像,《小孩大人》中童星駱炫銘,2011年以模特兒出道,媽媽說駱炫銘從小就表情豐富,當時《小孩大人》試鏡時,六歲的小駱炫銘一次就過關,在眾多童星中嶄露頭角。小小年紀因為演戲大紅,如今已經九歲的駱炫銘,也是學校的小小風雲人物,成為學姐追逐的對象,還曾一度躲到廁所不敢出去。


We Are So Lucky to Have A Lorde!

Lorde is, as we all know, such a magical little gift to the whole wide world. She’s so talented, and wise far beyond her 18 years, we just can’t help but love her to pieces. Of course, she’s taken some time off from her massive success, but she was gracious enough to take some time to have a conversation with Lena Dunham for Dazed magazine. And you are going to just love it.

You’re going to love her badassery:

I sometimes get asked, ‘Did people try to sexualize you early on in your career?’ But I came into this with such a strong viewpoint – even when I was 13 or 14, my sense of self felt too permanent for anyone to f— with. You know, whenever there was a makeover suggestion or like, ‘Do you wanna try this push- up bra?’ I think I freaked enough people out – or intimidated enough people – that it didn’t happen. But also, does that still happen these days? Is that a thing? I feel like people think more of teenage girls than that.

You’re going to love the things she’s been doing in her time off:

I had three months off. It was summer in New Zealand and I just went on all these road trips and did heaps of rock walking. I found the best dive spots, did some great fishing and saw some orca whales. It was amazing. Just lying in the ocean in front of my house and being like, ‘Life!’

You’re going to love her thoughts on Taylor Swift:

I mean, she definitely brought me into this amazing world of supportive female friendship. For me, someone starts talking about boys and I’m like, ‘I just don’t know what to say.’ I’m useless in that capacity and that was why I thought, ‘Well, I can’t have girl friends (because) I don’t know how to talk about boys.’ But Taylor just glosses over the fact that I’m terrible at that and she’s just like, ‘It’s OK, I’ll love you for your other qualities.’

And you’re definitely going to love her views on feminism:

I’m not just going to do a 180 on a girl because she hasn’t learned about feminism. I remember not being 100 per cent sure what feminism or intersectional feminism is – I’m still not 100 per cent sure! One thing I hadn’t come face-to-face with until I was about 16 was thinking really hard about whiteness and what it means to be white, and all these questions around race and sexuality, which are incredibly important. For a long time, I wasn’t aware of how important it was to be a feminist for all women.

Oh, Lorde. We certainly don’t deserve you, but we’re so happy you’re here.

Thank Your Lucky Stars (Without Makeup) Today

The only thing that Jennifer Lawrence could do to make her more dear to our hearts has been done: she’s pulling the all-natural look, and also … she’s chilling in New York City with Lorde. If all that isn’t the epitome of cool, then we just don’t even know what cool is (side note: that’s possible).

One thing that’s not possible, though, is not loving this look. Jennifer Lawrence has come so hard into her own, and that’s an absolute home truth.

Looking good, girl!