Behold: The Power of Adele

Adele really brings everyone together.

Jimmy Fallon isn’t the only talk show host who likes to get his guests to play with goofy tech things like this. And, you know, they’re great for people who want something to do at a party but they’re no good at dancing or talking or Mario Kart … and have never heard of alcohol.

His latest guest took a break from being rumored to be banging Nick Jonas … to play around with lip syncing.

Now, we don’t mind admitting that there’s something difficult to define about Kate Hudson that just rubs us the wrong way. And we know that it’s probably unfair — it’s not like we’re picking up on subtle cues that she collects human femurs or something. But we just don’t light up when she smiles like we do with some people.

But “Hello” is just such a powerful, beautiful song. It’s so evocative, and while most of us can’t actually sing it well at all, we all love to pretend that we can. So this scene made Kate Hudson seem more relatable than ever before.

It’s not the first time that she’s shown how moved she is by this song, however.

Kendall, Gigi, and Bella: Twerking Hard or Hardly Twerking?

Everybody’s twerking for the … weekday.

If we were in the business of recommending the best clothing for twerking, our first thought wouldn’t be a Chanel couture dress. Honestly, that’s probably even further down the list than “bathrobe” or “nun’s habit.”

But Kendall Jenner is actually … really making this work, here. Maybe part of that is because the dress accentuates her butt’s rhythmic movements? But her pose and everything are, for the brief window of this video, pretty perfect.

Comparatively, Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid look a little awkward, but they’re still radiantly gorgeous and the whole thing is still cute. And we’re glad that it’s just one of them twerking — a video of all three of them twerking would have been a little uncomfortable, you know?

甄子丹、泰森美洲宣傳奏效 《葉問3》美國上映首周大勝好萊塢強片



另外,甄子丹與泰森到環球影城宣傳時,也接受美國Extra TV的專訪,拳王泰森現場示範如何演出被甄子丹打腹部,連主持人也和甄子丹來上一段,畫面逗趣更吸引在場的影迷們駐足觀看。

《我們的那時此刻》神級手繪海報 捕捉26位巨星風采





Lena Dunham Is Talking Sense, Now? 2016 Is a Brave New World

Even a broken old-timey clock is right twice a day.

Wow, it’s refreshing to see Lena Dunham talking about something in a way that’s more than just a desperate cry for attention. Like, she’s actually making a little sense, here. Because the media’s coverage of Hillary Clinton tends to be … shameful.

“The way that Hillary Clinton’s been talked about in the media is so gendered and rabidly sexist in every single portrayal. Whether it’s the attacks on her personal life or the adjectives that are used to describe her clothing, we have to do a full reexamination. Like I literally want to make a list that we hand to media outlets that says, ‘These are the words you can’t use when describing a female candidate: shrill, inaccessible, difficult, frumpy, plastic.’”

She doesn’t get specific, but we can all think of at least a few instances of this.

Admittedly, we’ve been more perturbed by some people who, less experienced in the misery inherent to democracy, seem very critical of the fact that Hillary Clinton is an electable politician. And then, of course, there are contrarians and mansplainers who assume that anyone voting for Hillary in the primaries just doesn’t understand what’s good for them.

We’re waiting eagerly for the primaries to be over, but we know that it’s only going to get nastier when the real race begins. At least in the primaries, people more or less agree and there’s always the idea of being a running mate or a VP from the other candidates and their campaigns.

The final stretch of the election cycle is absolutely merciless.

Flat Earth Theorists Still Exist, Which Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Read more: Follow us: @fishwrapped on Twitter

It’s honestly sad how the word “truther” is the first indicator that someone’s spewing misinformation.

B.o.B is a rapper with over 2 million followers, because that’s the world that we inhabit. Sunday evening, he decided that he was going to share some of the absolute nonsense that he apparently believes:

Seems like an innocent question, right? The sort of question that someone who doesn’t have a clear perspective on the size of the Earth might pose.

Except no, he wasn’t asking a question of his followers with a sense of childlike wonder. He meant the question as a challenge. A “wake up America” sort of challenge.

He began to tweet picture after picture from one of those ridiculous conspiracy websites.

The shape of the Earth has been known for thousands of years (yes, really), and for a grown-ass man to seemingly refuse to believe it betrays his utter lack of understanding of the nature of the entire universe.

This is the kind of bewildering conspiracy theory that makes the Illuminati/chemtrails folks seem like they’re grounded in reality. Which, to be clear, they aren’t. Like, at least those zany ideas could be true according to the way that the universe works.

Oh, and in case you’re thinking that this is a huge surprise, B.o.B’s expressed some other, um, “ideas” about how the world works.

We honestly don’t even know where to begin on that one.

If you’re thinking that you understand enough about the world to know that B.o.B is slinging a lot of nonsense, but that you don’t know enough to explain to him why he’s wrong, you’re not alone.

Thankfully for us all, Neil deGrasse Tyson exists. He took the time to explain a few specific points. It probably won’t do any good for B.o.B, because conspiracy theorists are well, well beyond reason. But it could help some of his confused followers.

B.o.B, in the mean time, is probably just going to keep sticking to the opposite of Occam’s razor: whatever explanation is the most convoluted and improbable is real.

《因為愛情有奇蹟》點閱破五十億 各種經典橋段吸睛網友最愛「外遇梗」



魔幻師Jeff Lee挑戰「巨型航空器」魔法 響應公益助慢飛兒

曾榮獲美國魔術大賽冠軍的魔幻師Jeff Lee,上個月剛在綠島以FB直播方式挑戰「矇眼開車」,成功完成環島一圈18公里的新紀錄。現在即將在1月28號下午於高雄義大遊樂世界,進行今年年度的全新魔術挑戰,歡迎民眾到義大皇家劇院共同見證,此活動響應「慢飛兒庇護工場」邀請慢飛兒互動演出。魔幻師JeffLee說:「藉由自己的魔術響應公益團體,不但完成自己的夢想,更讓魔術有了新價值,而今年度的魔術挑戰將會是歷屆以來最精彩的演出,讓自己感到十分的興奮和萬分的期待。」

魔幻師Jeff Lee對於這次的演出內容透露,9年前曾到韓國觀賞國際知名魔術大師的精彩演出,那時雖然才剛出道,但已在心中期許自己有天也能像這位大師一樣,站在舞台上表演「巨型航空器」幻術,經過了多年的演出經驗累積,現在終於有機會完成自己的夢想,用自己的想法重新詮釋這個經典的幻術,但只能成功不容許一絲絲失敗的現場LIVE演出,心裡承受的壓力也非常巨大。

關於魔幻師Jeff Lee:曾在2011年預測台灣股票收盤指數。2012年挑戰101小時完成101場環島魔術馬拉松;2013年挑戰穿越宜蘭冬山河149M;2014年挑戰高空連續飄浮300分鐘;2015年於綠島挑戰矇眼開車18KM創新紀錄。

The Porn Oscars Apparently Don’t Care What You’re Accused Of … Just Like the Regular Oscars

You know how a lot of institutions continue to reward people, no matter what heinous things they’re accused of doing?

Turns out that the “Porn Oscars” are just like the Oscars in that respect.

Last fall, Stoya — among other women — finally broke her silence on Twitter and leveled sexual assault allegations against the often celebrated porn actor, James Deen. Seeing that they weren’t the only ones, other women came forward about Deen.

Since then, a number of major porn studios have cut ties with him — which is absolutely the right thing to do. “Innocent until proven guilty” is how our judicial system operates (sometimes), but in the real world, we know how difficult it is to prove sexual assault and abuse, particularly when the accuser is anything other than an elderly white heterosexual nun.

But apparently the Adult Video News Awards couldn’t be bothered to care about a little thing like an alleged sexual predator in their midst.

His awards were for for “Best Group Sex Scene” and “Best Double Penetration Sex Scene.” In general, those are great categories, but surely any scene that didn’t have James Deen in it would be better … right? People who support Woody Allen films or Roman Polanski films or any other works of art by scum-of-the-Earth love to claim that they “support the art, not the artist.” Like, as if you could support art without supporting the artist.

And you’d think that it would be different for porn, in particular. You’d think that the presence of an accused serial rapist on the screen would be a huge buzzkill … to the point where the video itself wouldn’t be enjoyed by its audience. But, unfortunately, that is not the case.

All awards shows seem to be cut from the same rape-culturey cloth, huh?

Selena Gomez Dominated on SNL With Her Steamiest Performance Ever

Is there no end to her power and beauty?

We’ve made no secret of our love for Selena Gomez, and with good reason — she’s absolutely amazing. She’s a phenomenal singer, she’s a spectacular actress, and she’s super incredibly gorgeous. Plus, she seems to be a nice person. That always counts for something.

So, as you can imagine, we were beside ourselves with delight over her “Saturday Night Live” performances last night.

She started with a medley of “Same Old Love” and “Good For You,” both songs from her latest album — and both released as singles before the album came out, too. We’d never heard them as a medley before, and as crushed as we were that she didn’t include the marquis diamond verse (that’s our favorite part), it was still really successful. “Good For You” might be our favorite song from the album, actually.

But her super sexy, hella steamy “Hands To Myself” performance was just jaw-dropping.

That bed might seem a little small (we’re not fans of having half our legs dangling off), but it’s for a performance — and it’s, um, definitely not for sleeping. Not for her, and certainly not for either of her guests on that bed.

It was so cute, and the big grin that she’d flash periodically during the performance were terribly endearing.

More of this, please.