Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton: How Adorable Forever

You probably don’t associate these two household names with each other — but you should.

Saturday would have been the legendary Elizabeth Taylor’s 84th birthday. And that’s … really not that old to be. She died several years ago, but she’s achieved a sort of immortality that few, even in the world of celebrities, could hope to achieve. But she’s not alone in this throwback picture.

Yes, Paris Hilton was once a sweet, innocent child. We think that she’s turned out to be a pretty great adult, of course, but goodness wasn’t she just cute as a button?

We’re huge fans of throwback pictures anyway — even if this one happens to be a little sad, given that the world has since lost such a phenomenal talent. But just seeing her smile is nice. And not just because she doesn’t look like she’s been spray-tanned within an inch of her life.

Oh, and this isn’t just a random celebrity encounter, either — Elizabeth Taylor is Paris Hilton’s great aunt. If you didn’t know that, this is a great reminder that classic Hollywood marriages can do amazing things.

And it’s a smaller world than you think.

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