When Life Is Good, It Is SO Good

We’re so used to Kylie Jenner making us feel bad feelings — exasperation at her growing lips, hopelessness for her future, that sort of thing — that we forget that she is still capable of doing some good. It might not happen often, and it might not be much, but she does have the ability to raise our spirits on rare occasion.

And that’s exactly what she did when she took to her app to recount a fabulous memory of this one time that she got on stage with Gwen Stefani and sang “Hollaback Girl”:

“My first concert ever was Gwen Stefani in 2005! During the ‘B-A-N-A-N-A-S’ part of ‘Hollaback Girl,’ she brought a bunch of girls onstage to sing with her. One of her backup dancers put me on his shoulders and then Gwen put the mic in front of me to sing. I was so little! But it was cool because I ended up going on Gwen’s concert DVD, ‘Harajuku Lovers Live.’”

And you know you have to see the video:

Thank you for this gift, Kylie. We will never forget it. Not ever.

And the ‘Sticky Balls’ Jokes Keep On Comin’

Okay, so this is right on the maturity line. Like, too much juvenile humor is a turn-off, you know? But this toed the line but didn’t cross it. It was cute.

So, Jimmy Fallon’s guest was a man synonymous with one of the biggest memes of 2015 — John Cena. And they decided to play a game that’s really just a goofy variant of dodgeball. It’s just that, instead of bouncing, the balls stick to the goofy pajama suits that they’re wearing. And there are the obvious … no, obligatory … remarks about the “sticky balls.” Not unlike that one “Saturday Night Live” skit — you know the one.

The hilarity of two grown men being too self-conscious to immediately touch a ball attached to a suit on the other guy’s hip was amusing. John Cena didn’t do it at all, but Jimmy Fallon, we guess, finally worked up the nerve. Even the mild downsides of masculinity are just, objectively, super weird.

That didn’t stop John Cena from throwing in a few goofy lines of his own.

“Just two dudes playing Sticky Balls. Exhausted.”

Enough said.

Breaking the Internet Again — For a Good Cause

We’re always here for nudity because it’s beautiful and brave — but it’s even better when there’s a positive message attached.

Kim Kardashian’s nude selfie caused quite a stir (ugh, we mean a conversation, don’t be gross), and a huge part of the response was inexplicably negative. Like, we may never truly understand why a woman being naked in the privacy of her own bathroom and sharing a censored image of her nudity earns scorn, but we guess that a lot of people feel better or more powerful when they condemn women for … existing, basically.

Emily Ratajkowski isn’t shy about her body, either. It might be beautiful, but it’s hers, and she can show as much or as little of it as she likes without forfeiting her right to be a person deserving of respect. We hate that we have to say that, but some people need to hear the message.

So when the two of them posed together for a tandem topless selfie, they made their feelings towards haters very, very clear:

Kim shared the image on Instagram with a caption referencing her previous picture.

Emily Ratajkowski shared the same image on Twitter, with a very important message — abbreviated in places.

“However sexual our bodies may be, we need to [have] the freedom as women to choose [when] & how we express our sexuality.”

Super true. These are the kinds of messages that have to be shared, again and again, if we’re going to change the culture and actually treat women like people.

刘雨柔性感顽抗水柱攻击 全裸秀肌线




邓紫棋《酷音乐亚洲盛典》获两大奖 全场大合唱经典改编《喜欢你》

邓紫棋刚出席完于举行上海的《东方风云榜》音乐盛典,勇夺华语五强- 「香港最受欢迎歌手」和「亚洲人气歌手」两项大奖后,昨晚除即马不停蹄飞往广洲出席《酷音乐亚洲盛典》再夺「港台地区的最佳专辑奖」及「最佳歌手奖」两项大奖,GEM 邓紫棋与她二位幕后功臣出席,感恩笑言「今日左拥右抱我音乐背后的男人,要与Lupo及Tan一起庆祝这张专辑的好成绩。」

G.E.M. 邓紫棋带着两位男伴于红毯造型继续走女神路线,以一袭贴身金色薄纱瀑布LOOK出场,性感指数让人惊叹小女孩长大了。此礼服手笔出自好莱坞设计师Elie Madi,设计师得知G.E.M. 亚洲的音乐成绩,欣然特别裁制让她盛装出席各颁奖礼。 《酷音乐》颁奖礼其他出席歌手包括张杰、华晨宇、 黄致列、陈洁仪、张信哲 、SHINee等。

对于夺得「港台地区的最佳专辑奖」及「最佳歌手奖」两项大奖,GEM除了把渔网穿上答谢歌迷及感谢魔术手音乐总监Lupo制作新的《泡沫》、《瞬间》,让她不断作新尝试外,昨晚主持人问到如何鼓励新一代的歌手,她感性谦称: 「其实我就是一个活生生的例子告诉大家-只要有梦想,真的,梦想就在你前方。因为我就是一个普通的女孩子,我就只是一个爱音乐的人,可是我把我对音乐的爱,化成我每一天努力的动力,而这个动力会把你带到自己的梦想前面,所以希望每一个有梦想的人,一定要知道,如果邓紫棋可以,你们也可以,加油!」

有别于前两颁奖礼大秀舞技,今次《酷音乐亚洲盛典》的舞台上选唱烩炙人口的《多远都要在一起》及《喜欢你》掀起全场大合唱仿佛置身于演唱会中,细腻度令人听出耳油。触目的话题舞台造型方面,是与专辑《新的心跳》主题吻合的贴身长裙, 特别设计的蓝色心心布料玩味甚浓! 其贴身度及大露背心型剪裁尽显GEM 瘦身后的好身材,青春迫人,再一次成功吸睛!
台下受访时被主问到造型争议,GEM 爽快轻松回应: 「对于新的视听冲击,大家喜欢我就很开心,不喜欢也无伤大雅。 」GEM 当晚在社群媒体post 上表演视频: 「作为一个歌手,一个词曲作者,对我来说重要的就只有音乐。感谢爱我的你们!再多的风一起挡;再多的浪一起荡!我们的心,未来一起跳!」

施易男亲为主演「紫色大稻埕」开金口 金曲歌后黄乙玲验货






Elson Soh - Asia Music Chart.PNG




Just When You Thought ‘Teen Mom’ Couldn’t Get Any Worse …

Hope you’re ready to feel that special kind of outrage and disgust that only comes from deplorable behavior aired on national television, because that’s all you’re going to get after last night’s brand new episode of “Teen Mom 2.”

Remember last week, all the Leah Messer drama? She didn’t feed her kids because she didn’t have any food in her house, she texted while driving with those kids in the back of the car, and then she got on Twitter to defend herself against all the terrible people who thought she should take care of her children and not endanger their lives. Crazy, right?

But the new episode, if you can even believe it, is way worse than the last one. It seems that Leah still hasn’t been able to remember to get out to the grocery store, because there was nothing in her house again this week. One of the twins asked her “Do we have anything to drink?” Leah didn’t answer her, so the kid started crying, said “God, you don’t even have nothing. Dang it, mom!” and then went outside and threw herself on the ground. Parenting at its finest!

The real tragedy happened at the end of the episode, when Leah asked a family member to go pick up the twins at school. “I don’t feel like I should be driving with as tired as I am,” that was her reasoning. She kept talking about how “emotionally drained” she was and how that was the cause of her exhaustion, which is fair — there’s the custody battle, and one of the twins has muscular dystrophy and will probably need to use a wheelchair full time within the next year or so — but a lot of people seem to think that being tired wasn’t Leah’s main problem. She was slurring a bit while explaining her situation, she had trouble keeping her eyes open, and finally she passed out. With all the rumors of her prescription pill abuse, it doesn’t look good for Leah at all.

At the end of the episode, Corey Simms, Leah’s ex-husband and the father of the twins, was shown getting primary custody. But that was several months ago, and we know that the agreement has changed since then so that she has them more often again. Hopefully she’s learned how to be a decent parent in the meantime, huh?

Ashley Graham Ads ‘Topless’ to Her Repertoire of Lovely Looks

If those hands were off by just an inch … well, she certainly couldn’t have shown the picture on Instagram.

As if Ashley Graham weren’t already slaying us enough with her swimsuit cover or her general excellence, she went and shared some mega-hot Maxim photos.

This is a model who could look outrageously hot in just about any outfit, but these photos are more about what she’s not wearing:

When your husband shows up to work.. 😏 @maximmag

A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on Mar 28, 2016 at 1:00pm PDT

That one looks a little retouched, sure, but, um … the rest of the picture more than makes up for it.

Click the link in my bio for more! @maximmag

A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on Mar 29, 2016 at 4:39am PDT

Honestly, she’s spoiling us at this point, right?

More from @maximmag shot by @gilles_bensimon!! Wearing my #AshleyGrahamXSwimsuitsForAll swim collection to be launched in May!!

A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on Mar 28, 2016 at 11:00am PDT

Soko Drops the ‘L-Word’ About Kristen Stewart — This is Too Cute

So, what do we call them? “KSoko?”

How about just calling them “adorable,” because that absolutely describes them.

Soko and Kristen Stewart have been seen hanging out all over, including holding hands and making out. And while they haven’t really done a press release on their reported relationship, Soko gave an interview and it sounds like she just could not contain herself.

The interview was ostensibly about Soko’s Instagram-to-zine project about the endless DMs that she receives, many of which are of a sexual nature, from both men and women. And that’s interesting enough — especially with the revelation that a couple of those social media DMs led to real life dates. But the part where she describes her current relationship is so much juicier:

“I’m very, very, very in love and very happy in a relationship.”

And that’s great to hear. Then comes the question: “I’m assuming you didn’t meet your current girlfriend (Kristen Stewart) through a DM, though?”

“No! No. [Laughs]. It was very OG.”

We don’t know exactly how or when they met — though based on that reply, they met very organically, in person, just like cavepeople used to do. But while there’s been some debate over the nature of their relationship (we’ve all platonically made out with somebody before, right?), this interview seems to clear up any lingering ambiguity.

And to make us super, super happy for the two of them.