Soko Drops the ‘L-Word’ About Kristen Stewart — This is Too Cute

So, what do we call them? “KSoko?”

How about just calling them “adorable,” because that absolutely describes them.

Soko and Kristen Stewart have been seen hanging out all over, including holding hands and making out. And while they haven’t really done a press release on their reported relationship, Soko gave an interview and it sounds like she just could not contain herself.

The interview was ostensibly about Soko’s Instagram-to-zine project about the endless DMs that she receives, many of which are of a sexual nature, from both men and women. And that’s interesting enough — especially with the revelation that a couple of those social media DMs led to real life dates. But the part where she describes her current relationship is so much juicier:

“I’m very, very, very in love and very happy in a relationship.”

And that’s great to hear. Then comes the question: “I’m assuming you didn’t meet your current girlfriend (Kristen Stewart) through a DM, though?”

“No! No. [Laughs]. It was very OG.”

We don’t know exactly how or when they met — though based on that reply, they met very organically, in person, just like cavepeople used to do. But while there’s been some debate over the nature of their relationship (we’ve all platonically made out with somebody before, right?), this interview seems to clear up any lingering ambiguity.

And to make us super, super happy for the two of them.

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