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風靡大人小孩的《海底總動員》,睽違13年後推出續集《海底總動員2:多莉去哪兒》,已經蟬聯北美2週票房冠軍,口碑極佳,然而,美國加州當地的電影院Brenden Concord,在電影預告中放置了限制級成人動畫片,嚇到許多小朋友,令家長大為不滿。



不料,加州間電影院Brenden Concord竟把《腸腸搞轟趴》的預告片放入《海底總動員2:多莉去哪兒》裡,雖然2部片都是動畫片,但是觀看族群完全不同,讓不少帶著小孩到電影院享受溫馨親子時光的家長們嚇一跳,像是「馬鈴薯被削皮時的痛苦表情」、「幼胡蘿蔔被啃食」,都讓小孩們受到驚嚇,引發家長抗議。



事後,Brenden Concord的副總裁已於近日道歉,「我們很後悔、也很抱歉,這部片《腸腸搞轟趴》並不適合當作《多莉去哪兒》的預告片,我們不會再犯同樣的錯誤。」不過,《腸腸搞轟趴》的編劇、製片兼主演塞斯羅根(Seth Rogen)倒是覺得很有趣,大虧Brenden Concord道歉一事讓自己一整天心情很好,也讓這部動畫片未演先轟動。

Kylie Jenner and Blac Chyna Are Getting Close: They’ve ”Confided in Each Other About Many Things”


The days of constant Instagram shade are long behind them.

Kylie Jenner and Blac Chyna used to always be at it with each other on social media, but it seems as though these two have made it passed the drama, and are now on positive ground (which is great, considering Kylie is dating Chyna’s ex and Chyna is about to marry Rob Kardashian, who is also the father of her unborn child).

A source tells E! News exclusively, “Kylie and Blac Chyna have gotten close and actually have confided in each other about many things. Blac Chyna can relate to Kylie the most out of all the sisters.”

In fact, their good graces were put front and center when Blac Chyna and the family all partied together at Dave & Busters on Monday for Khloe Kardashian’s birthday. Chyna and momager Kris were all smiles in one Snapchat photo on the Lashed salon owner’s account, while Kim Kardashian, Kylie and Blac all sang “I Don’t Give a F–k” on Kim’s Snapchat.

We’ve also learned that Rob continues to be persistent with his healthier lifestyle, and Blac Chyna is a big motivator in helping him achieve that. “Rob is on such a good path with his weight loss. He still is staying focused on his goal weight. Blac Chyna cooks for him all the time and takes really good care of him.”

The insider adds that the couple, who are expecting their first child together, “are waiting until after the baby to get married. She wants to be back in shape for her wedding day.”

Louis Tomlinson Files for Joint Custody of Son Freddie Reign


Louis Tomlinson wants to ensure that he spends as much time with his 5-month-old son as possible.

E! News can confirm that the One Direction singer has filed for joint custody of little Freddie Reign from his ex Briana Jungwirth.

TMZ reports that his time with the baby has been “inconsistent” in recent weeks, and that Louis will be seeking 50/50 joint physical and legal custody.

Louis has been candid about his love for his son, and how much parenthood has changed him, and recently spoke about both in an interview with Capital FM.


And on the annual holiday, Louis took to Instagram to share a shot of him holding Freddie’s little hand.

In the caption, the singer wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to every lucky lad out there who’s someone’s daddy! Thoroughly enjoyed my first. Love you Freddie son X.”

Louis became a father in January of this year after briefly dating the Los Angeles-based stylist last year.

宋仲基爆熱戀中 帶正牌「圈外女友」飛美拍廣告






謝佳見爆得罪原東家 72秒新聞只有「露3秒側臉」





Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s Cutest Quotes on Parenthood Revealed


Mila Kunis may star in Bad Moms, but the pregnant actress has done nothing but endlessly gush about how parenthood has completely changed her life for the better.

In fact, both Mila and Ashton Kutcher have openly shared how their daughter, Wyatt Isabelle, has shifted their priorities tenfold and improved their lives far beyond what they ever thought possible.

And now that the former That ‘70s Show co-stars and husband and wife duo are expecting their second child together, it seems as though there’s no better time than now to revisit the cutest things that Mila and Ashton have said on becoming parents for the first time.

Game of Thrones Bosses Confirm That Seasons 7 and 8 Will Be Shorter Than Ever Before


Winter is coming a lot sooner than any of us may be ready for.

Following their explosive season six finale, Game of Thrones co-creators David Benioff andD.B. Weiss have made it clear that there are only but a handful of episodes left to spread across the final two seasons of their HBO hit. “It’s two more seasons we’re talking about. From pretty close to the beginning, we talked about doing this in 70-75 hours, and that’s what we’ll end up with,” Benioff told Deadline. “Call it 73 for now.”

For those not keeping score at home, each of GoT’s six seasons have been made up of 10 episodes each, bringing the series to a current total of 60 hours and leaving us with only 13-15 to hit their target. How they plan to divvy those hours up over seasons seven and eight remains a mystery, but it doesn’t take the Three-Eyed Raven to see that one, if not both, will have far less episodes than we’ve grown accustomed to.


As Benioff continued to explain, this has always been the plan. “We’re trying to tell one cohesive story with a beginning, middle and end,” he said. “We’ve known the end for quite some time and we’re hurtling towards it. Those last images from the [season six finale] showed that. Daenerys is finally coming back to Westeros; Jon Snow is king of the North and Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne. And we know the Night King is up there, waiting for all of them. The pieces are on the board now.”

“The thing that has excited us from the beginning, back to the way we pitched it to HBO is, it’s not supposed to be an ongoing show, where every season it’s trying to figure out new story lines,” he continued. “We wanted it to be one giant story, without padding it out to add an extra 10 hours, or because people are still watching it. We wanted to something where, if people watched it end to end, it would make sense as one continuous story.”

This isn’t the first time the pair have discussed their plan in the press. Prior to the season six premiere, they spoke with Variety about their endgame, admitting that the shorter episode count for the final seasons would allow them to spend more time (and, most certainly, money) on their big finish. “It’s crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule,” Weiss said at the time.

Are you bummed that our time in Westeros is nearing its end or are you looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up? Let us know in the comments below!

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