

藝人王思佳年初發行第三張專輯《Yes,I do》,其中一首歌曲《跳tone》被質疑與南韓團體2NE1《come back home》旋律幾乎有8成雷同,蒙上抄襲批評。不過音樂人陳國華29日受訪破解一般人的「抄襲迷思」,認為眾人太過將其放大檢視,也坦言王思佳的歌曲「稱不上是抄襲」。


王思佳近兩年來被爆過3次抄襲事件,包含歌曲《跳tone》被質疑與南韓團體2NE1《come back home》旋律;2014年發行的《No.1》MV被指抄襲泫雅;《OH OH OH》的MV又與安室奈美惠《Stranger》幾乎吻合。如今再被質疑抄襲,她昨(28日)表示心情很難過,並說:「如果能出一張專輯,沒有人想抄襲。」

音樂人陳國華今受訪為王思佳喊冤,認為《跳tone》與《come back home》的「旋律不一樣」。他表示:「編曲的感覺與氛圍確實類似沒有錯,但我們所說的抄襲是指在旋律上,所以不至於抄襲。」他說,包含音樂和璇進行的速度都會有影響,而這兩首歌的速度也相差甚多。

至於作曲者是否有可能參考別人的歌與?陳國華不諱言表示,作曲者不一定是故意的,「可能是想做類似的東西,或是曾聽過,腦海中就會有記憶,參考也一定會有的。」但他再次強調,以《跳tone》與《come back home》來說,是沒有抄襲疑慮的。

Joe Jonas Plays “Shag, Marry, Kill” With Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and Gigi Hadid


Andy Cohen put Joe Jonas in the hot seat Thursday night.

The DNCE singer appeared on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live and played “Plead the Fifth,” a game in which Andy asked him three questions and Joe could only decline to answer one. The first question—posed to Joe’s brother Nick Jonas just weeks earlier—was in regard to their penises. “Which Jonas brother is the most well-endowed?” Andy asked. Joe smirked, saying, “You know—this is Nick’s words, not mine—but he said he was going to say me, so I’ll say me.”

Andy’s next question was about Joe’s music. “In April, you mentioned that you wrote a song that is going to ‘piss someone off.’ Who is the person and have they heard the song yet?” the late-night talk show asked. Joe first explained that the song will not appear on his band’s next album. “I’m going to save it for a side project, possibly—maybe a B-side,” he said. As for who the song was written about? “Plead the fifth,” Joe said. “But I answered half of it, right? So…”

“You may not have wanted to plead the fifth to that,” Andy warned.

“Oh, bring it on,” Joe told him. “I don’t care.”

The final question was dubbed “Marry, Shag, Kill: Joe Jonas’ Exes Edition.” Though Andy could have picked from several stars, he narrowed it down to Taylor Swift , Demi Lovato and Gigi Hadid. “You marry one, you kill one and you shag one,” he reminded the “Toothbrush” singer.

“I’ll marry Demi,” Joe said. “She’s a friend.”

Indeed. Earlier this week, Joe and Demi performed “Gotta Find You,” from the 2008 Disney Channel Original Movie Camp Rock. (Demi is on tour with Nick.) Days before the performance, Joe told E! News’ Marc Malkin he considers Demi “family” post-split. “We’ve known Demi for so many years. We’ve performed with her, toured with her. She’s just incredible. It’s not always the case. Sometimes you have to know when to fold the cards. I don’t think of her as an ex. We’re really good friends. We’ve gone through so much together and we’re really close now.”

The same can’t be said for some of Joe’s other exes. With the lights dimmed and the pressure on, the singer had to choose between Taylor or Gigi Thursday. “This is a game, right?” he asked.

After being reassured that it was, Joe said, “Um, Shag Taylor, kill Dem—kill Gigi. There you go.” Andy then admitted he had no idea, prior to the episode, that Joe dated Taylor for four months in 2008 until he broke up with her in a 27-second phone call. “We were children,” he told Andy.

When the game was over, Joe was feeling pretty proud of himself. “I didn’t really plead the fifth, though,” he told Andy and fellow guest Ashley Graham. “I answered half the question.”

“Maybe we’ll give you an extra ‘Plead the Fifth’ the next time you’re here,” Andy suggested.

“Ooh,” Joe said. “I like that.”

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Bought Wedding Rings on Etsy for $190

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher can’t put a price on love.

That said, neither actor was willing to spend a fortune on their wedding bands, either. When the Bad Moms actress appeared on TBS’ Conan Wednesday, Conan O’Brien praised her subtle bling. “It’s not showy,” the host told Mila. “It’s not, like, incredibly flashy, which I think is cool.”

Mila thanked him and, to her own surprise, decided to share some details. “I can’t believe that I’m telling anybody this story. So, my husband and I got married a little while ago. He got me a beautiful engagement ring. Like, stunning, stunning, stunning!” the 32-year-old actress gushed. “But for our wedding bands—for when we got married—I decided to just get them off of Etsy.”

Conan was impressed by her low-key approach. “Now, listen: I’ve been talking to you for years and I’ve always loved the fact that you’re frugal,” he told her. “You’re very up front about that.”

Mila joked, “That’s a nice way of saying ‘cheap,’ but yes.”

When she was browsing Etsy, Mila explained, “I wanted the thinnest possible platinum band. I mean, you can’t see it, but it’s super, super thin.” While the camera zoomed in on her ring, she recalled being appalled at the price of Tiffany and Co. wedding bands. “I was like, ‘They’re how much? This is astronomical,” the actress said. “So, I went on Etsy and I was like, ‘$90?’ I was like, ‘Buy now!’ Ashton’s was $100, so technically his wedding band was a little bit more expensive.”

Purchasing a cheaper band was “not a big deal,” Mila added. “My engagement ring is beautiful, but I don’t ever wear it. This ring, I’m like, ‘It’s $90!’ It’s great. That person on Etsy had no clue whose ring they were making, but they were wonderful and very nice and polite and generous.”


During their conversation, Conan also asked Mila about her second pregnancy.

“I feel really good,” she said. “With the first one, there were these apps where you could check daily to see the size of your baby based on fruit. So, ‘Oh, today my baby’s the size of guava,’ or a banana, or avocado.’ And I did it, like, every day. I couldn’t even tell you how far along I am right now. I’m like, ‘I don’t know. A couple months?’ I genuinely don’t know how far along I am. I’m like, ‘Somewhere between this and that.’ With the first one, I would tell you the exact [date]. I mean, like, literally to the T what was happening, the formation of the eyes, the tail’s no longer there. Like, whatever it was. [Now] I have no clue what’s happening with my baby.”

Mila then shared an update on her 21-month-old daughter, Wyatt Kutcher.

“She’s really funny and incredibly bossy,” the actress said. “It’s weird because they’re just kind of developing their language skills and she somehow mastered, ‘Sit here now.’ So, it’ll be like, ‘Sit! Here! Now!’ I’ll be like, ‘Oh, my God! My child’s like a little baby Nazi.’ And then she grabs your hand. If you don’t want to do it, she doesn’t care. She just pulls you down to the floor.”

Needless to say, Mila told Conan, “She’s very strong-willed.”



台灣歌手陳肇佑昨日飛往新加坡錄製第二首單曲被資深製作人梁伯君 George Leong折磨!即將在今年八月二十九日發行第一張單曲《怕什麼》的陳肇佑,昨日在新加坡頂級錄音室錄製第二波單曲笑言自己度過這生最痛苦的五個小時!製作人梁伯君從第一首單曲《怕什麼》就對陳肇佑非常嚴格,對每一個錄音細節到編曲和後期製作都十分講究。



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Is Ed Sheeran Secretly Married?! Here’s What We Imagine His Star-Studded Wedding Would Be Like


Loving can hurt sometimes, especially if the one you’re loving is Ed Sheeran and now you’re wondering if he’s married.

The Internet start speculating whether or not the singer secretly tied the knot to his girlfriend Cherry Seaborn after he showed up in an Instagram photo with a ring on that finger.

The photo in question was shared by musician Jovel, who showed a candid shot of himself sitting on the ground next to his daughter, who was celebrating her 5th birthday, with Sheeran on the other side of her, casually lounging with his hand on his knee.

Oh, and look at that—there’s a ring right there.


While there’s no confirmation that Sheeran did actually tie the knot to his girlfriend of a year, we can definitely imagine what that wedding ceremony would look like.

First of all, it would be quite the star-studded event, and you know bestie Taylor Swift would take charge on all of the wedding planner. In fact, we bet T.Swift would be the voluntary wedding planner (because she sure knows how to throw a party) and quite possibly take on the role of Ed’s best man. Hey, it could happen.

Fellow pals Harry Styles and Niall Horan may get up and sing a little something, and perhaps The Weeknd would join in. Sheeran’s friends Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston would be having a ball and cheers with a memorable toast that would have everyone laughing.

Justin Bieber would probably be the first guy on the dance floor, followed by Johnny McDaidbusting out an epic air-guitar.

And, of course, Beyoncé and Jay Z would be there, which is enough to make you wish you could snag yourself an invite.

But hey, if Ed Sheeran isn’t married, then there’s still hope (hint, hint).

Aaron Rodgers Never Wanted to Be a Reality Star, Despite His Brother’s Wishes


Despite the fact that people are (or at least say they are) looking for love on The Bachelorette, anyone who goes into any type of reality show is well aware that there’s a level of fame that will come with it. Part of that fame includes the willingness to share details about your personal life over and over and over again.

This is something Aaron Rodgers has never been OK with.

You see, long before Jordan Rodgers ever aired their family drama to JoJo Fletcher on television for the world to see, his older brother Aaron was doing his best to keep any and all of his personal matters out of the spotlight—which is not exactly easy for a person who is arguably the NFL’s best quarterback.

In fact, in a radio interview in 2013, he expressed his desire to keep his personal life private. He noted how, due to the fame that comes with being a professional football player, there’s always “crazy rumors that swirl” around him, which he never addressed because he’s always wanted to maintain a level of professionalism.

“There’s always going to be silly stuff out there in the media, you can’t worry too much about it, and I don’t. I just keep on truckin’,” he said. “Professional is professional and personal is personal and that’s how I am going to keep it.”


Of course, some could argue Aaron wouldn’t be dating a celebrity if he didn’t want any added fame, and while that definitely adds a challenge in keeping his life private, he really doesn’t play up his relationship with Olivia Munn.

The quarterback rarely posts photos on social media or speaks in interviews about his girlfriend, despite having been with her for more than two years. He’s even addressed the media attention surrounding their relationship, explaining why it doesn’t bother him as much as it used to.

“I’m real happy in my relationship. And I understand what comes with it,” he told ESPN Wisconsin radio in 2014, shortly after they started dating. “And two, the last couple years I’ve learned a lot about perspective and what’s important. And, that you cannot, when you’ve had success individually and collectively as a team and you are highlighted for the things you’ve done on the field and off the field, you cannot hide from the spotlight. You have to learn to embrace it.”


Aaron doesn’t just step back from sharing stuff about his girlfriend when it comes to social media—he rarely shares anything outside of news relating to his career.

While many celebs share their personal opinions and thoughts on major controversies or topics of conversation on social media, Aaron pretty much keeps to himself, flying under the radar so as to not call any more attention to himself than he already does. The proof lays in his Twitter feed, which is basically a collection of tweets about sports, charity work, television and more sports. He doesn’t even have an Instagram account.

Needless to say, fame isn’t something Aaron’s ever actively sought, and thus, he has never—and likely will never—take part in a reality show…despite Jordan’s desires.

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