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蕭尚恩說自己雖然不是很相信鬼節,但經過這次的經驗,他戰戰兢兢回應說寧可信其有不可信其無!經紀人也表示歌手陳肇佑在拍攝MV過程也一直覺得不順,還感覺場地特別寒冷,而且他還透露擁有三十年導演經驗的林金材 Jason Lim 有說許多MV畫面不可以用,原因也不便透露,只說鬼節拍攝都是這樣的。

陳肇佑全新MV【怕什麼】已可在他的官方臉書(陳肇佑 Hayden Chen)觀看,目前遊覽量在三天內已超過十萬人次!對於是否可以在他的MV看到詭異畫面,他表示自己沒有看到,但粉絲都有看到奇怪的畫面,還紛紛留言詢問到底是不是真的“有鬼”!

點擊 YouTube 觀看: https://youtu.be/QRFC-O53lrA

馬蓉性愛床照疑外流! 「裸身開腿」激戰畫面曝光






吳宗憲「不願讓杰倫難做人」 國外同台光速逃開







We. Love. This. Family.

So many times, like in that interview from a few weeks ago, we’ve heard Will and Jada talk about their children. And while most kids aren’t as accomplished or relentlessly cool as the Smith kids, it’s pretty standard for parents to gush about their kids. Decent parents, anyway, and Will and Jada are more than decent.

But Willow Smith turned the tables when she sat down with Interview Magazine, and she has a lot to say about her folks:

“Growing up, all I saw was my parents trying to be the best people they could be, and people coming to them for wisdom, coming to them for guidance, and them not putting themselves on a pedestal, but literally being face-to-face with these people and saying, ‘I’m no better than you, but the fact that you’re coming to me to reach some sort of enlightenment or to shine a light on some-thing, that makes me feel love and gratitude for you.'”

That sounds wonderful, right?


The interview goes on:

“They always give back what people give to them. And sometimes they keep giving and giving and giving. And some people don’t feel like they need to give anything back because it’s like, ‘Oh, if you’re famous, you can just keep giving, and it doesn’t matter’.”

Now that starts to sound like it’s just about being charitable or whatever, right? Which is great and all, but we all know that there are plenty of incentives to give that have nothing to do with being a good person. But Willow clarifies, because of course she did, she’s freaking brilliant:

“It’s not just about money. It’s not just about giving people gifts or whatever. What my parents have given to me is not anything that has to do with money or success or anything that society says people should be focusing on — it’s something spiritual that only certain people can grasp and accept. And that’s how I act and move in the world today.”

Honestly, while parents can’t receive sole credit for how extraordinary their children become, we’d be living in a much better world if there were more parents like the Smiths.

Chris Brown Arrested and Charged With Assault With a Deadly Weapon


After a massive standoff with the Los Angeles Police Department, Chris Brown has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

We’ve learned that the famous rapper is being taken to the Robbery Homicide Division of the LAPD.

Earlier today, he was seen emerging from his Tarzana home and talking to local authorities about the events that took place late last night.

Baylee Curran, a former beauty queen, alleged that Brown threatened her with a gun while she was spending time with her friends at the rapper’s home. The 24-year-old spoke to E! Newsearlier today and explained her side of the story.

Curran was inside of Brown’s kitchen when she was looking at several pieces of jewelry that were on display alongside a jeweler who was also present at the time.

According to Curran, it was then that one of Brown’s pals confronted her by saying, “Get out, don’t touch the jewelry.”

Curran adds, “[The friend] was calling me names and that’s when Chris Brown kind of went off, pulled out a gun and said, ‘Get the f–k out.'”

“He was saying, ‘Get the f–k out! Haven’t I told you guys enough?’ And kind of threatening me with the gun like if I didn’t get out he’s going to shoot me with it.”

Shortly after cops were first called to his Tarzana mansion, Brown took to Instagram to express his growing frustration with the police.

“I am father. I am one of the best entertainers out here without bragging and saying woe is me I don’t’ get enough credit…So at the end of the day I’m tired of this s–t, I’m up at 6,7 something in the morning talking this s–t for something I didn’t do. How would you feel? F–k this fame s–t.”

黃子佼沒法連三拉三 確定「今年不主持金馬獎」






大S兒子不只淡定臉! 正對鏡頭萌笑炸出雙下巴





Jimmy Fallon Rips On Ryan Lochte, And Michael Phelps Can’t Get Enough


And you thought Michael Phelps was fast in the pool.

Well, nothing was quicker than the swimmer going for his phone to film Jimmy Fallon as he ripped on Ryan Lochte at the MTV VMAs on Sunday.

Lochte, of course, was caught in a lie during the 2016 Olympics after claiming he was held at gunpoint and robbed. It turns out that wasn’t entirely true, which Fallon reminded us while presenting the award for Video of the Year.

Fallon took the stage dressed as Lochte and then claimed to have been responsible for many of the internet’s favorite moments. From Adele’s flip phone in the “Hello” video to Drake’s “Hotline Bling,” it was apparently all Lochte.

And Michael Phelps was loving it:

Check out the moment here, and just watch it on replay forever:

Actor Gene Wilder Dead At 83


Gene Wilder, the star of classic comedies like “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” and several of Mel Brooks’ films, has died, his family told The Associated Press on Monday. He was 83.

His nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman said Wilder died late Sunday of complicationsfrom Alzheimer’s disease at his home in Stamford, Connecticut.

A statement from Wilder’s nephew said that the actor hadn’t disclosed his diagnosis to avoid upsetting his fans.

“The decision to wait until this time to disclose his condition wasn’t vanity, but more so that the countless young children that would smile or call out to him ‘there’s Willy Wonka,’ would not have to be then exposed to an adult referencing illness or trouble and causing delight to travel to worry, disappointment or confusion,” Walker-Perlman’s statement read. “He simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world.”

Wilder broke into professional acting on the stage, appearing in an off-Broadway production of “Roots” in 1961, according to Variety. A part in a 1963 production of Brecht’s play “Mother Courage” introduced him to Brooks, whose future wife Anne Bancroft was starring in the show, Variety said.

Brooks praised Wilder on Twitter following news of the actor’s death Monday.

Wilder’s TV acting career also began in the 1960s, but he became better known for prominent roles in Brooks’ screwball comedies like “The Producers,” “Blazing Saddles” and “Young Frankenstein.”

He punctuated his performances with a combination of nervous energy, bug-eyed facial expressions and a gentle demeanor.

The Producers Movie

Lee Meredith, upper right, and Kenneth Mars, upper left with Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel in a scene from the movie “The Producers” July 1967. (AP Photo)

Wilder scored an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor in 1969 for “The Producers.” Brooks and Wilder were nominated for an Oscar for best adapted screenplay in 1975 for “Young Frankenstein.”

“I started writing about what I would like to see [Frankenstein stories] become,”Wilder said in 2013 about penning “Young Frankenstein,” according to Entertainment Weekly. “I wanted to make it a happy ending.”

A later teaming with comedian Richard Pryor paid off with a string of films like 1989’s “See No Evil, Hear No Evil.”

Many viewers were introduced to Wilder as children, and will remember him best as the reclusive, eccentric chocolatier in the title role of 1971’s “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.”

will wonka paramount

His career tapered off in the late 1990s. He had guest appearances on TV’s “Will & Grace” in 2002-2003. He won an Emmy for his guest role on the show in 2003.

Wilder was born Jerome Silberman in Milwaukee on June 11, 1933, The New York Times reported.

His first two marriages, to Mary Mercier and Mary Joan Schutz, ended in divorce.

Wilder’s third marriage was to “Saturday Night Live” star Gilda Radner in 1984. The couple were married until Radner died from ovarian cancer in 1989. Devastated by Radner’s death, Wilder co-founded Gilda’s Club as a network to support cancer patients and their families.

Wilder is survived by his fourth wife, Karen Boyer, whom he married in 1991; his estranged daughter, Katherine, from his second marriage; and his nephew, The Associated Press reported.

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