Get me outta here!




談到電影有全新規格,演員可能要素顏上陣,會否一開始有所抗拒?李安說,在接戲之前就有跟演員警告過,他選中的演員都OK,還爆克莉絲汀史都華(Kirsten Dunst)的料,指對方有3個月的保養期,「她有一個routine的保養過程,她的化妝師變成保養師,有一個3個月的一套療程。」而對於在拍攝期間,有沒有其他好萊塢大導也來詢問這套拍攝方法?他笑說:「我應該要請大家來看,因為不可能我一個人這樣做下去,但我先前都在忙電影的事,實在是沒有心力在做這件事情。」


BEAST經紀合約到期! 「成員5人都還沒續約」



據《STARNEWS》報導,BEAST 5人目前已經收到經紀續約的簽約書,團員們可以選擇和公司繼續簽約,也可以跟隨天團「神話」的方式,各自成立品牌但屬於同個團體,當然也可以選擇離開公司與其它公司簽約;對此,成員們都暫時還未決定續約,而他們會如何選擇也受到各界關注。

Lil Wayne Breaks Down the Moment He Found Out Drake Slept With His Girlfriend


In times like these, we must remember the adage, “Bros before hos.”

Lil Wayne, real name Dwayne Carter Jr., is releasing a handwritten journal that describes his eight-month stint at Rikers in 2010 for gun charges through a memoir titled Gone ‘Til November, and in it you’ll find vulgar language, impressive penmanship and a lot of tea (drama, shadiness, gossip—for those who need clarification). Basically, it’s everything you could ask for.

And arguably one of the biggest bombshells revealed in the book, which hits shelves Oct. 11, is that former protégé Drake had slept with his girlfriend. Pause for reaction. But before you get all judgy, it’s not exactly what you think (however, Weezy was still pissed AF).

After a short “Bad Day” post that simply said “no writing, prayer, Bible, sleep. Another one,” Lil Tunechi went into what happened. In an entry called, “As a Man,” he writes, “I woke up still feeling f–ked up about the f–ked-up day that I had. Hell is what it was! I’m used to arguing with my girl on a daily basis…but finding out that she f–ked Drake was the absolute worst thing I could’ve found out.”

Weezy goes on to explain that it didn’t happen while they were together, but it still made him angry. “As a man, honestly, that s–t hurt…and not because it was Drake. It could’ve been any man and it would’ve hurt the same. She said it happened way before we got together, but she just never told me.”

And Drake confirmed it, too. “When Drizzy came to see me, he was like, ‘Yeah, it’s true…Don’t f–k with her like that ’cause I did f–k her.’ Damn! At that point, it didn’t matter to me when it f–king happened…because the f–king happened!”

It didn’t seem like there was any lasting bad blood with Drizzy, as he’s mentioned in good spirits again later in the memoir. Wayne just took the L and moved on. “As a man I’ll admit that s–t really f–ked me up, but hey, f–k that ho! Love is blind, that’s why I say make sure that bitch is a seeing-eye dog.”

Words to live by, guys.

Angelina Jolie Working With Real-Life Olivia Pope for Brad Pitt Divorce


Angelina Jolie wants to get through this with as little scandal as possible (see what we did there?).

E! News confirms that the A-lister’s team has hired famous crisis manager Judy Smith to help with her highly publicized divorce with Brad Pitt. And this is pretty interesting, considering Smith is the real-life Olivia Pope who inspired Kerry Washington’s character in the hit Shonda Rhimes series.

“She is typically a calming non-combative influence,” a source tells us. “Certainly seems like someone to give better advice than what she has been apparently been getting.”

In other words, it’s handled.

“Judy and her firm have a long history of handling issues that have unfortunately garnered too much attention in the public eye, and she knows how to push towards resolutions that are swift and discreet,” a source told People, who first reported the story.

Jolie will join a list of high-profile celebrities, including Michael Vick, Paula Deen and Monica Lewinsky, who also needed “the fixer” to calm the media thunderstorm surrounding their various scandals. Meanwhile, Smith joins celeb renowned lawyer Laura Wasser on the case, proving that Angie is creating quite the legal team.

One of the biggest concerns surrounding the divorce is the custody battle over their kids, Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh and twins Knox and Vivienne.

Angelina is seeking full custody of the children as E! News learned she believes it’s what’s necessary right now while the Department of Children and Family Services in Los Angeles County continues conducting an inquiry into the allegations that Brad was involved in an incident with a child aboard a private plane earlier this month.

In fact, we’re told Brad has yet to see his children since the divorce news broke last week, but, “He really wants to see the kids and to work out an arrangement that is best for them,” an insider told us. “[He] wants to work things out privately and amicably.”

E! News has also learned the 41-year-old actress doesn’t intend for the custody situation to remain permanent, and are told Angie knows she and Brad will need to co-parent together in the future for the sake of their kids.

昆凌洩密「即將和周杰倫同台」 上兒童節目帶萌娃!






鬼鬼出道韓國花絮照曝光! 「超豪邁站姿」惹噴笑


「鬼鬼」吳映潔3月宣布與南韓知名公司CJ E&M簽約,遠赴當地魔鬼訓練3個月,練舞練到膝蓋發炎、雙腳磨破皮,近期新歌《SUGAR RUSH》終於曝光,28日正式出道韓國、初登場音樂節目《SHOW CHAMPION》,甜笑熱舞廣獲好評,結束表演後,花絮照也接著曝光,其中合影女團LABOUM的豪邁站姿,引起粉絲爆笑!

鬼鬼28日起將在南韓各大音樂節目亮相表演,出道的第一個演出通告就是《SHOW CHAMPION》,熟練演唱韓文歌詞、熱跳苦練3個月的舞蹈,掀起各界關注,結束表演的她,暫時卸下緊張情緒,興奮在後台與舞群、同天表演的南韓女團合影,滿足了粉絲的好奇心。

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曝光的7張照片裡,鬼鬼先是在寫有她名字的休息室前,開心拍照留念,並與6位女舞者合照,許多粉絲也藉此感謝她的舞蹈夥伴,所有人的完美配合演出驚豔了很多人;不僅如此,她還找女團crayon pop、宇宙少女合影,其中與團體LABOUM的合照特別引起關注,可以看到她手比愛心、叉腳橫跨的站姿,與身旁女星的中規中矩比起來,她顯得特別豪邁有戲,逗樂許多粉絲直呼「古靈精怪的鬼鬼回來了!」

Taylor Swift Assembles Lorde, Cara Delevingne and Jack Antonoff for Dinner in New York

Taylor Swift and Cara Delevingne are lookin' pretty in the city!

Taylor Swift is in a New York state of mind.

Since her split from Tom Hiddleston in early September, the 26-year-old pop wonder has called the Big Apple her home away from home. Tuesday evening proved no different, as Taylor stepped out for a fun-filled dinner date with Lorde, Cara Delevingneand Bleachers frontman Jack Antonoff.

Rocking her newly cropped ‘do and straight across bangs, Swift made the streets of NYC her very own runway in a black mini-dress paired with a taupe-colored Soia & Kyo Ornella trench coat and heeled booties. On her left hand, an ornately-designed henna tattoo. Getting edgy, Taylor!

As for her squad, Delevingne sported a black crop top underneath a navy blue bomber jacket and high-waisted trousers while Lorde kept it casual in a flirty printed blouse. Antonoff, who’s dating Swift’s BFF Lena Dunham, wore a baseball cap and olive green utility jacket.

For those following Swift’s every move since embracing the single life, her latest night out comes as no surprise. As of late, she’s been logging plenty of hours in the gym, stealing the spotlight at fashion shows with her best friends and there are even rumors that she’s getting back in the studio and working on new music!

But Taylor’s return to the Empire State comes fresh off her weekend in Los Angeles, where she celebrated Liberty Ross’ birthday in Malibu on Saturday night.


From the looks of social media snapshots shared from the star-studded shindig, the Grammy winner had an absolute blast posing in the photo booth and taking selfies with adoring fans.

Notable celebrity attendees also included rock legend Mick Jagger, Mary J. Blige, the girls from Haim, as well as James Corden and his wife Julia Carey. Just another day in the life!

Kylie Jenner’s Gate Crasher Sentenced to Jail


Kylie Jenner can feel a little at peace knowing one of her trespassers is being put behind bars.

In June, a man named Marvin Magallanes attempted to crash his car through the security gate of her previous Calabasas home in The Oaks gated community. According to documents obtained by E! News, the man made a plea deal and was sentenced to 10 days in a Los Angeles County Jail on Tuesday.

He plead no contest to vandalism and got credit for for the four days he previously spent behind bars following the incident. He’s already started serving the other six.

Once he’s released from jail, Magallanes will have to serve 12 months of probation.


Kylie has since moved from the community following one too many run-ins with overzealous admirers.

In May, E! News confirmed the 18-year-old copped herself a $6 million home in Hidden Hills, Calif.—roughly a year after she bought her first home in Calabasas.

Her new digs bring her closer to the family, mainly mom Kris Jenner and sister Kim Kardashian, and give her even more space for her pals and several four-legged children. The roughly 7,000-square foot property, which was built just last year, includes six bedrooms and seven bathrooms as well as a long list of lavish amenities.

In August, Kylie expanded her real estate by purchasing the $4.5 million property right next door to the mansion she bought in May. The new home sits on 3.9 acres, is roughly 5,000 square feet and offers four bedrooms and four bathrooms.

A source told E! News at the time that Kylie will be using the new property as more of a home office, while keeping her current living situation the main home.

霍建華身價破億「只寵林心如」! 手機螢幕碎了都沒換








金鐘國要來了!文化部影視及流行音樂產業局主辦、三立電視承辦的第51屆電視金鐘獎,眾星雲集,讓典禮話題性十足,除邀請「搖滾天王」伍佰、「本土天團」5566合體外,更邀請《Running Man》主持人金鐘國出席金鐘獎頒獎典禮並擔任頒獎嘉賓,屆時也將走星光紅毯!

金鐘國在節目《Running Man》裡以「能力者」的實力廣為人知,他近期回到歌手身份,名氣仍居高不下,且金鐘獎承辦方今(28日)宣布,金鐘國將出席頒獎典禮並且將走紅毯以及擔任頒獎人,同時因應新媒體時代來臨,今年電視金鐘獎首度挑戰360度全景直播並搭載VR鏡頭,讓觀眾透過金鐘51APP有親臨現場的視覺享受;而舞台設計更突破國館場地限制,以LED全覆包裝舞台,呈現「新媒體、新視代」全新面貌。

金鐘國因主持綜藝節目《Running Man》被亞洲觀眾所熟悉,他之前也曾悄悄來台為新單曲作準備,並與杰威爾音樂期下的樂手老師雨勳合作,還曾請林俊傑操刀、為他製作中文歌。但畢竟已在台公開行程少,如今金鐘國將出席第51屆金鐘獎頒獎典禮,更是讓許多粉絲引頸期盼。