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「The Most Attractive Guy in the whole universe 」 Steven Lim is back! Are you ready?


Singapore artiste Steven Lim called himself 「Most Attractive Guy In The Whole Universe 」. He has been in the entertainment industry for the past 13 years and he will be back again on year 2017!

Steven Lim used to be on all over the news and claimed that, “I’ve been through up and down over the years, from the focus in the limelight to the downcast.” Currently he is running his own management company through online,  and he is an artiste at the same time too, so there is no binding on his career.


A lot of fans are doubtful about his video whether he is intentionally acting and making the crowd happy or it is his personality that he is funny and warm hearted. He commented that it is his personality and he have a gifted talent in acting.

Steven Lim claimed that he is multi talented as he can sing, dance, act and make videos. He is currently taking advertising and tv show projects for his team. His future plans is to collaborate with Singapore producers to create new songs and will be back on year 2017!

Stay Tuned! — Editorial by Elen Soh

Shakira’s Sons Sasha and Milan Steal the Show at Their Dad’s Award Ceremony


Let’s face it, everyone was looking at Milan and Sasha Piqué at the Gala of Catalan Football Stars. The two might have Shakira as mother and soccer star Gerard Piqué as a father, but they just proved that they’re the real stars of the family.

Nothing makes us melt like the cute kids of these famous celebrities. Take for instance Stephen Curry’s daughter, Riley, who made postgame conferences that much better.

Now it’s the Piqué brothers that stole the show when their father was named the best Catalan player of the season. The ceremony took place in Barcelona and he accepted the award with his entire family on stage.

But Milan, 4, and Sasha, 2, had bigger plans and suddenly the spotlight was on them. They waved, threw kisses and even held the award as their own. The youngest even gave us a peek at his belly.

Recently, the family underwent a health scare as Sasha had been feeling under the weather, which caused the singer to cancel her performances at this year’s Latin Grammy Awards and American Music Awards.

After a lot of speculation as to why she had canceled her appearances, the 39-year-old star wrote a heartfelt message to her fans confirming that Sasha had been sick.

“Thanks for all the messages you sent for Sasha while he was sick. Everything is under control now, and he’s back to being his cheerful self!” Shakira captioned the Instagram photo of herself with Sasha.

We’re glad all is back to normal for this adorable family.


Helen Mirren Reveals the Surprising Reason She Decided to Marry Taylor Hackford


Helen Mirren and her husband Taylor Hackford have been together for nearly 20 years—much longer than most Hollywood couples ever last. So what’s their secret?

The actress covers the latest issue of AARP The Magazine and revealed how she never really wanted to get married. However, she took a different perspective after meeting Hackford.

“I did very consciously choose my work over my relationships right up to the time that I met Taylor,” she explained. ” I was 38 when I met Taylor, pretty late in life.”

After being together for more than 10 years, they realized it was smart to tie the knot. “We got married in the end because we realized that we were going to be together forever,” she said. “We got married, ultimately, for legal reasons more than anything else.  Estate planning and other complicated things like that.  And our families, we sensed, wanted us to be married.”

She continued, “I always said I have nothing against marriage. It just wasn’t to my taste, like turnips. It took me a very long time to come around to acquiring the taste. I just had to meet the right turnip.”

Despite deciding to say “I do,” Mirren has continued to progress in her career. In fact, she recently recommitted herself to performing on-stage.

“I didn’t want to be famous, but I wanted to be a really good actress,” she said about her decision to head back to the stage. “I wanted to be recognized as a great theater actress.”

After dedicating most of her life to performing, she also maintains a refreshing perspective on getting older.

“The best thing about being over 70 is being over 70. Certainly when I was 45, the idea of being 70 was like ‘Arghhh!’ but you only have two options in life: Die young or get old. There is nothing else.”

She continued, “The idea of dying young when you’re 25 is kind of cool—a bit romantic, like James Dean.  But then you realize that life is too much fun to do that.  It’s fascinating and wonderful and emotional. So you just have to find a way of negotiating getting old psychologically and physically.”


One of the most exciting moments of Mirren’s life was traveling to America when she was touring with the Royal Shakespeare Company in the ’60s.

“I’ve always loved America,” the actress explained. “I found it exciting. I found it liberating. I found it fascinating. America is so varied and so beautiful!”

She recalled, “A few of us took the train across the Salt Lake plains of Utah, stopping in places like Cheyenne, where the train would stop literally in the middle of the town. You had 20 minutes, so you could pop out to a cowboy bar and come back. It was a great education, to see the landscape that those early pioneers crossed on foot or horse. That gave me a little inkling of what it means to be an American, to be able to contemplate that journey, let alone make it.”

Still, she doesn’t necessarily consider herself an American because she has a “return ticket” if she ever wanted to leave. However, she’s still having trouble coping with the British Exit from the European Union.

When asked about Brexit, she could only describe it as “terrifying—tribalism, nationalism and self-protection.”







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Run-Ins With the Paparazzi: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


Over the weekend, Scott Eastwood called out some nosy paparazzi in Sydney after they snapped photos of him swimming around with a woman at the beach.

In the pics, the 30-year-old actor was caught sticking his tongue out as he appeared to splash her while she laughed and ran away.

“Thank you Sydney paparazzi for trying to capture my playful side, but instead making me look like a total creep,” Eastwood joked on Instagram following the incident. “Can’t a guy have an innocent splash fight in peace? At least let me put my tongue away next time.”

The hunky blonde is far from the first celeb to call out pesky photogs.

Check out more celeb run-ins with the paparazzi below:


Justin Bieber The pop star has had quite a few nasty run-ins with the paparazzi, including several lawsuits that followed.

For example, in 2012, the Biebs was accused of battery by a photographer who claimed he roughed him up and left him in need of medical attention after he tried to snap a picture of Biebs and then-girlfriend Selena Gomez. Then, in 2013, photos were captured of him lunging toward a man who verbally attacked him, having to be held back and lifted off the ground by his own security team.


Alec Baldwin Another on-going paparazzi offender, the actor hasn’t been one to hold back when it comes to his frustration toward the photogs.

For example, in 2012, he was photographed getting into a physical altercation with the paparazzi as they shot him picking up his marriage license with Hilaria Baldwin. The paparazzo filed an assault complaint with the NYPD, charging the tempered 30 Rock after he punched him in the face…. Read More

Blac Chyna Steps Out in Curve-Hugging Bodysuit Two Weeks After Giving Birth


Two weeks after giving birth to her first daughter Dream Kardashian, Blac Chyna clearly has baby girls on the brain because she’s sporting pink from head to toe.

The reality star stepped out Sunday evening to take her son King Cairo to pose for photos, as she explained on Snapchat. Less than a month after welcoming her second child, Rob Kardashians fiancée looked confident as she escorted her son to the car in a pink belted bodysuit that highlighted her hourglass figure.

As she revealed to fans a night earlier, Chyna has shed more than 20 pounds in less than a month after her pregnancy finished.

“39lbs go away !!! Lost 23 lbs so far !!!” she revealed in a Snapchat post. “Goal 130 post baby weight.” As for the speedy weight loss, the mom promises there was no nip and tuck at play.

“So I posted a picture of my belly yesterday and the only reason it got that flat, you guys, is from breastfeeding and breast pumping and from my body already being small before my pregnancy,” she said in a Snapchat video while pumping breast milk. “And for everybody that…yeah, sorry, try again.”

Little King was looking equally cool and confident as he put together his outfit from a collection of Burberry and Gucci items with the tags still on laid out on a bed. Très chic for a pre-schooler!

The 4-year-old topped his all black ensemble with a diamond cross necklace and oversized watch because, as King has already figured out, one can never have too many accessories.

His proud mama could not stop gushing. “King, you’re gonna be so cute today,” she told her son. “Look at all this pretty hair. King, this is amazing!”

Now, King, it’s time to strike a pose!



「小鬼」黃鴻升27日在香港舉行33歲的粉絲見面會,這場「ALiEN HK B-party」的生日趴,好友任賢齊、歐弟、許瑋甯、修杰楷、周湯豪、鬼鬼特別獻上生日祝福VCR,讓他感動笑稱:「所有的死黨都到齊了!」而15歲就認識,初戀女友兼摯友楊丞琳也藉此機會感謝他的陪伴,最後還說:「我們永遠都在,愛你呦!」真情告白說完馬上令現場粉絲尖叫。

小鬼與楊丞琳有過一段青澀戀情,他們就讀華岡藝校時是同班同學,即便後來分手依然成為彼此的好友。至今認識17年,楊丞琳也感性地說:「時間過得很快,你這樣..OH MY GOD! 要33歲了吧?想當初我們認識時才15、16歲。認識了10幾年,難得人生中有很好的陪伴,我想讓愛你的人知道,鴻升是非常成熟有想法的男人,在班上也都能把氣氛調節的很好,感謝一直以來給我很好的祝福、很真實的支持。」
