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Jamie Dornan Sheds His Christian Grey Veneer With a Shaved Head


Jamie Dornan has a new ‘do.

Weeks ahead of the release of Fifty Shades Darker, the Irish actor was seen walking through Los Angeles International Airport in a casual ensemble complete with a shaved head and full beard.

The new look has fans wondering whether the change is due to personal preference or if it’s connected to an upcoming role. The 34-year-old father of two  is rumored to be starring in next year’s Robin Hood along with Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx.

While we wait to see what exactly inspired the new look, the buzz cut is certainly a departure from the luscious locks and subtle scruff synonymous with his signature character, Christian Grey.

On Feb. 10, Dornan returns to the silver screen as the handsome, BDSM-practicing mogul in the second installment of E.L. James’ controversial trilogy. While the actor has fielded comparisons to his on-screen counterpart since he first appeared in the role in 2015, hair isn’t the only thing that separates the two.

“[Christian Grey’s] not the sort of bloke I’d get along with,” the actor said in an interview with GQ Australia. “All my mates are easy going and quick to laugh—I wouldn’t imagine myself sat in a pub with him. I don’t think he would be my type, when it comes to choosing mates.”

Not only would the two never be friends, but Dornan has no interest in Grey’s bedroom behavior.

“I’d never seen any form of S&M before this, I had no interest in that world,” he told the magazine.  “I’ve always been open-minded and liberal—I’d never judge anyone’s sexual preference. Whatever gets people off is entirely up to them and there’s a million different ways to please yourself, sexually.”

Antonio Banderas Is “Enjoying Nature” Again After Heart Scare


Zorro is back to his normal sword-wielding self.

Antonio Banderas was rushed to the hospital in Surrey on Thursday after experiencing chest pains while exercising, but the Mask of Zorro star is feeling better. Banderas, 56, tweeted a selfie with girlfriend Nicole Kempel and wrote, “Disfrutando de la naturaleza tras un pequeño susto. Enjoying nature after a startle. Besos.”

A rep for the star tells People, “We can confirm that last Thursday Antonio was admitted to hospital after having experienced chest pain while exercising. However, Antonio was released that same day after doctors performed a check-up which confirmed his good health.”

Banderas moved to Surrey after finding that he was growing tired of the party scene of other cities. Talking to Hello!, Banderas admitted he enjoyed the serenity of what England’s countryside had to offer.

“I find Surrey magical,” Antonio told the magazine in the past. “I am not a party person anymore so I have the space and peace to write and really get inside my own head. I’m working on several scripts.

“I go cycling in the woods and everyone in Cobham, Weybridge and Esher is incredibly friendly. Above all, I am surrounded by nature. I love watching the deer and foxes that come to my garden.”

It’s no wonder then that Banderas’ first activity after returning home was to enjoy nature with Kempel.

Prior to dating the model, the Shrek actor was married to Melanie Griffith for 18 years. The two finalized their divorce in 2015 but remain amicable.

“Happy Birthday to my ruggedly handsome ex husband @antoniobanderasoficial I will always love you,” Griffith captioned a birthday tribute last year.

【A-計劃】與【Friends of Vezels】善心舉辦新年聚餐 百名老人到 【螃蟹之家】 歡樂用餐!

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這場慈善新年聚餐是由【螃蟹之家】,【Friends of Vezels】和【Project Awareness A-計劃】聯合舉辦,共有120多位老人家出席午宴,場面熱鬧及溫馨!

當日活動義工分別從新加坡三個地區 French Road, Toa Payoh 和 Bedok South Ave 2 接送老人家到螃蟹之家用餐,【Friends of Vezels】和【螃蟹之家】更是善心慷慨贊助每一桌山珍海味!此外皇室娛樂藝人周冰、邱明洋、林傑祺、丘俊鑫和黃靜婷也到場擔任義工並表演給老人家看。

這次的慈善新年午餐老人家們不止吃得開心,同時也玩的開心,現場提供遊戲拿禮品,還讓老人家自由上臺唱歌玩樂! “財神爺”也在現場分派每人一份紅包,【Friends of Vezels】也分派禮包和紅包給每一位老人。


新手媽媽Baby超猛! 產後8天不坐月子上街逛花市





Madonna Is Not Trying to Adopt More Malawi Children: The Rumors Are Untrue


Madonna is into the groove of motherhood, but she isn’t adding any more members to her clan right now.
Upon reports claiming the songstress had filed a request to adopt two children from Malawi, the mother of four rebuffed the headlines, calling them simply “untrue.”
I am in Malawi to check on the children’s hospital in Blantyre and my other work with Raising Malawi, and then heading home,” she told E! News in a statement. “The rumors of an adoption process are untrue.
However, Madonna is no stranger to the process, having adopted 11-year-old son David Banda and daughter Mercy James from the country in 2008 and 2009. She is also mother to Lourdes Leon, 20, and Rocco Ritchie, 16.
In 2006, she founded Raising Malawi, an organization that works to build schools, strengthen hospitals and provide resources for orphans and impoverished children.
Meanwhile, Madonna’s family life has not been without conflict in recent years. In September 2016, the actress privately settled a custody battle with ex-husband Guy Ritchie over their son, Rocco.
The fight began nearly a year earlier after the teenager refused to return to New York City to live with his mother following a trip to London with his father. 

The star made public pleas to her son by way of social media tributes and broke down during a concert in March over her family turmoil.

“There is no love stronger than a mother for her son,” Madge told her audience at the time. “And, if I talk about him too much, I might cry. But I would like to dedicate this song to him. It’s a love song for a man, but I know he’ll be one, one day. I hope he hears this somewhere and knows how much I miss him.”

Zayn Malik Carries Gigi Hadid Around With Him Wherever He Goes


Zayn Malik is clearly obsessed with Gigi Hadid (in the cutest way possible)!

Other than taking adorable Instagram photos, sharing sweet, supportive messages for her and maybe even getting a tattoo in her honor, the former One Direction crooner just proved he carries her with him at all times.

Case in point: the keychain he holds with her name on it.

On Tuesday, Malik was spotted arriving back in New York City on Tuesday, rushing out of his car to reunite with Hadid who had been waiting for him in the lobby of an apartment complex. They shared a sweet hug and kiss before heading upstairs.

But, before getting inside, Malik was photographed carrying a keychain with “Gigi” written stylishly in script across it, revealing that when he’s not with her, he’s thinking about her pretty much all the time.

As adorable as it is, the sweet gesture should come as no surprise. The singer has continuously shown his love for Hadid over the last year that they’ve been dating—even after they took a brief break over the summer.

In fact, last week, the couple sparked rumors when the supermodel was spotted wearing a tiny gold ring on that finger. Though E! News learned they’re not engaged, we couldn’t help but wonder if the jewelry was a symbol of their future together.

Malik only heightened our inquiries when he was spotted the next day with a new tattoo on his hand: the word “love” written in script across his knuckles.

No matter the meaning behind either of these alleged projections of love, the couple continues to prove their relationship is growing every day in other ways.

As Hadid put it in her birthday message to Malik earlier this month, “So lucky to know and love a soul like yours.”


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