GD要開SOLO演唱會了! 睽違4年加碼新專輯


據韓媒報導,G-DRAGON傳出將於6月10日,在首爾世界盃體育場(又譯首爾世界盃競技場)舉辦個人演唱會,也將於2017上半年推出SOLO專輯,這將是他繼2013年發行《COUP D’ETAT》、舉辦世界巡迴演唱會《G-DRAGON 2013 WORLD TOUR : ONE OF A KIND》之後,睽違4年再度發行專輯及開個人演唱會。


豬哥亮傳「感覺不到痛了」 出現感染症狀體力耗盡





Huang Xiaoming praised for gentlemanly behaviour


A netizen’s post on Weibo recounting her chance encounter with Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming and his wife, Hong Kong model-actress Angelababy has been making the rounds online.

The netizen shared that she was out with her husband and friends when they ran into Xiaoming and Angelababy.

The first thing she did was to snap a picture of the couple on her phone, but Xiaoming’s personal assistant gently told her not to do so. The netizen’s husband then asked the assistant if they could take a picture with the star couple.


When the assistant relayed their request to Xiaoming, he graciously accepted, but asked if it was okay to take the picture with him alone, to protect Angelababy, who had recently given birth.

After the picture was taken, he wished them a good day and left.

The netizen recounted her experience with him online. “Such an outstanding idol, gentle and loving towards your wife as well… no wonder you’re so popular,” she wrote, praising the 39-year-old to the high heavens. Many netizens later commented on her post as well, sharing that they found the actor to be very humble and nice as well.

The actor has been married to Angelababy for almost two years. They recently welcomed the third member of the family, a son, nicknamed ‘Little Sponge’ in January.

Chu Keliang’s condition takes a turn for the worse


Days after denying rumours that Taiwanese entertainer Chu Keliang has passed away, new reports have emerged, claiming that the 70-year-old, who has colorectal cancer, is on the brink of death.

According to the reports, Keliang is now unable to breathe on his own, and relies on a medical ventilator to aid him in breathing. Additionally, as his body is too weak to withstand treatment, he spends most of his days asleep.

His family has also allegedly signed a ‘Do-Not-Resuscitate’ order for him, and are preparing for the worst. In the past month, they have also been keeping vigil beside him, with his daughter, Taiwanese singer Jeannie Hsieh, unwilling to leave his side.

Keliang was first diagnosed with stage two colorectal cancer in 2014. At that time, he felt that treatment could only prolong his life by at most two years, so he eschewed treatment, in favour of continuing to earn more money.

Last year, Jeannie Hsieh played a video containing a message revealing her family’s complicated past at her concert, where she brought to light her father’s infidelities, amongst other allegations. He responded with a video message the next day, where he called her “poisonous and vicious”. They have since reconciled.

小黃司機疑嗑藥 美女主播慘遭「鎖窗、飆髒話」


小黃司機疑嗑藥 美女主播慘遭「鎖窗、飆髒話」 | 娛樂星光雲 | ETtoday東森新聞雲 <img src=”″ /> <img src=”″ style=”display:none” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” /> <img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none” src=”″ />



<img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none” src=”″ />


從不正常的車速以及變線方式,我已經確定司機是有問題的,因此下高架橋後,我找機會輕聲跟司機說,不好意思我記錯了,等下過紅綠燈之後就可以靠邊停。司機緊急煞車,接著慢慢滑向路邊,並且一連串髒話,我立刻打開車門,並且拿了兩百元給他,司機沒有要找錢的意思(也沒跳錶),我拿好東西趕快下車。 很懊悔的是,沒有記下車牌。

小黃司機疑嗑藥 美女主播慘遭「鎖窗、飆髒話」


爸媽歐洲被搶劫2次!小小瑜看到倫敦恐攻「毛毛的」 | 娛樂星光雲 | ETtoday東森新聞雲 <img src=”″ /> <img src=”″ style=”display:none” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” /> <img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none” src=”″ />


爸媽歐洲被搶劫2次!小小瑜看到倫敦恐攻「毛毛的」 | 娛樂星光雲 | ETtoday東森新聞雲 <img src=”″ /> <img src=”″ style=”display:none” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” /> <img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none” src=”″ />



Mel B had pre-nup


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Mel B had pre-nup- Toggle

Mel’s B’s estranged husband is expected to get just £5 million in their divorce.

The former Spice Girls singer filed for divorce from Stephen Belafonte earlier this week and it has now emerged he won’t be getting an equal share of her estimated £48 million fortune because they signed a pre-nuptial agreement before they tied the knot in June 2007.

A source told The Sun Online: “Mel is a canny Yorkshire lass and was advised to protect her assets and estate before the wedding.

“This wasn’t an act of preparing for the marriage to fail but was an act of a hard-nosed business woman who knew the pitfalls that can lie ahead in any relationship.”

It isn’t known how much was stated in the documents, but legal expert Harold Walker admitted Stephen, 41, could get more than their pre-agreed sum if he could prove he had turned down work in order to support the 41-year-old star’s business endeavours.

He said: “A figure could be added to the pre-nup if it is shown that he has effectively turned down work to be at his wife’s side.

“I think a total of a £5 million settlement that includes the pre-nup and any additional lost work seems reasonable and certainly a lot less than half of £48 million.”

It was previously claimed the former couple had taken their five-year-old daughter Madison and Mel’s children Phoenix, 18, whom she has with ex-husband Jimmy Gulzar and Angel, nine, from her fling with Eddie Murphy, to a family therapy session in order to “make sure their kids are OK” in the wake of the split.

The pair were said to have travelled in separate cars to the session which took place in Mulholland Estates in Beverly Hills, at the home of Mel’s long time psychiatrist Doctor Charles Sophy.

And all three children travelled in a third car with their nanny.

The reported family therapy session is believed to be the first session of this kind that the pair have attended, though it was previously reported they had tried couples therapy before their split to no avail.

A source said: “They started from the beginning when they realised they were very different people, who would argue and row. Their personalities were like fire and ice, one minute it was pure adoration and the next it was an all-out war.

“It led to them having blow-out arguments non-stop. However, as they got further down the line, the stress of keeping things together proved too much. The therapy prompted more fights and bitterness. Their connection by the end was all but burned out.”

Amy Schumer’s protective boyfriend


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Amy Schumer’s protective boyfriend.

Amy Schumer’s boyfriend is “very protective”.

The ‘Trainwreck’ star has been dating furniture designer Ben Hanisch – who relocated from Chicago to live with her in New York City – for over a year and she is thankful he is always “really cool” with the attention that comes with life in the public eye.

She said: “He’s very protective of me. Like, not overprotective, but if someone’s taking pictures of me or filming in a restaurant, he’ll start taking pictures of them.

“He’s really cool; it’s not a problem to be around any of the sorts of people who are at these events. He takes it all in his stride.

“But when I say, ‘Shall we get out of here?,’ he’s like, ‘Yes!'”

Amy feels “so lucky” to be with Ben, and claims he had never seen any of her work before they met.

She added to the upcoming new issue of Britain’s Glamour magazine: “I’m so lucky that I met him. And he hadn’t seen any of my work before we met…”

Despite being a household name, the 35-year-old star insists she never wanted to be famous and was “terrified” at the thought of everyone knowing who she is.

She said: “No, I did not ever want to be famous, honestly. It didn’t occur to me until it was already happening. The fame aspect is not something that appealed to me at all. And I was really kind of terrified of it.”

However, Amy insists she is “grateful” for even the downsides of fame, though it can be “distracting” and “embarrassing for everyone” she’s with when her presence draws attention.

She said: “I wouldn’t trade it to wait tables or whatever. I live my life; I’m grateful for everything. It’s mostly just really annoying.

“I’m conscious for the people I’m with. Now when I go outside, I get photographed by the paparazzi.

“I’m not to the level of some people some actresses where it’s constant tabloids, but it’s enough that it’s really uncomfortable.”

泰國小鮮肉自慰影片流出! 「73秒抽動」畫面網瘋傳

泰國小鮮肉God Itthipat年僅21歲,因為外型秀氣陽光,擄獲許多少女心,是現在炙手可熱的新生代男星,近日一支自慰影片在網路上流傳,片中男子躺在床上露出下體,被指就是God Itthipat本人,他23日出面到警局備案,坦承自己就是影片男主角,將對洩漏影片的人提出告訴。

▲泰國小鮮肉God Itthipat外型陽光。(圖/翻攝自推特)

God Itthipat臉蛋陽光清新,又有著壯碩肌肉,身材相當完美可口,模特兒出身的他近來轉行當演員,卻捲入自慰淫片風波,網路上瘋傳一支疑似是他躺在床上自慰露出性器的影片,且鏡頭還特寫性器,雖然影片畫質模糊,但大致可看出輪廓。

▲泰國小鮮肉God Itthipat自慰影片外流。(圖/翻攝自推特)

由於God Itthipat胸膛及手臂上有刺青,影片中也拍得清清楚楚,他23日在經紀人陪同下到警局報案,坦承影片中男子就是自己,但是4年前私底下所拍攝的,在手機中有加密保護,懷疑是有駭客侵入手機盜取影片後外流,他目前已向警方備案,並打算提起告訴。

再爆!利菁事件有幕後黑手 「要不是你媽媽死得好」



