孔劉見面會陣仗超狂! 「神秘嘉賓再加兩位」獻驚喜

南韓演員孔劉2016年藉著《屍速列車》、《鬼怪》再攀事業巔峰,他出道16年來即將在週末獻出台灣第一場粉絲見面會,特別的是,他此趟訪台並不會只有一個人上台,主辦超級圓頂27日證實19歲新生代歌手Sam Kim將以嘉賓身份上台,韓媒28日一早再曝光2位神秘嘉賓,分別是鄭承煥、權珍雅,目前共曝光3位嘉賓。


據韓媒報導,孔劉29日在台舉辦的見面會,除了27日已曝光的新生代歌手Sam Kim外,還有2位神秘嘉賓鄭承煥、權珍雅,兩人皆是從選秀節目《K-pop Star》脫穎而出,此次也確定將擔任見面會嘉賓。


孔劉此趟訪台,除了爸爸、媽媽跟來,歌手好友MY Q也在Instagram即時動態曝光也在台灣的消息,另外,見面會嘉賓邀來新生代歌手Sam Kim、鄭承煥、權珍雅助陣,陣仗相當龐大。

吳宗憲1500萬賓利車載的是她! 合照BIGBANG交友圈超狂

藝人吳宗憲日前被直擊開著女兒吳姍儒(Sandy)送的1500萬賓利車,車上載著的是一名氣質輕熟女,據悉,該女是香港名媛黎曉靈(Kimmy),在社交網站平台上相當活躍,不時可看見她和娛樂圈名人的合照,其中包括南韓天團BIGBANG團員以及美國社交名媛派瑞絲希爾頓(Paris Hilton)。





Adele buys custom cards


Adele splashed out on a shop’s entire stock of cards baring her own face.

The 28-year-old singer thought it was hilarious when she stumbled across the stationery in upmarket store Peter Jones in Sloane Square, West London, and couldn’t resist buying a dozen to send to her friends.

A source told The Sun newspaper: “Adele walked right up to the shelf and took the lot. She found it hilarious.

“The staff couldn’t believe she was in there, let alone her choice of purchase.

“She said she was going to send them to all her friends.”

The pink card featured a drawing of Adele, with a huge face and tiny body in a black dress, with the opening line from her 2016 single ‘Hello’, “Hello, it’s me…”, printed above the picture, and the ‘When We Were Young’ singer was heard joking she would sue the card company for using her likeness.

The ‘Someone Like You’ hitmaker – who has four-year-old son Angelo with husband Simon Konecki – recently admitted she is unsure whether she wants to tour again.

Speaking on stage in New Zealand, she said: “Touring isn’t something I’m good at – applause makes me feel a bit vulnerable. I don’t know if I will ever tour again.

“The only reason I’ve toured is you. I’m not sure if touring is my bag. My greatest accomplishment in my career is this tour.”

Despite being one of the best-selling artists of all time, Adele previously admitted she still suffers from stage fright.

The singer-songwriter confessed in 2015 that she was finding it harder to perform on stage and was “too frightened to try anything new”.

She shared: “I get so nervous with live performances that I’m too frightened to try anything new.

“It’s actually getting worse. Or it’s just not getting better, so I feel like it’s getting worse, because it should’ve gotten better by now.”

Sylvester Stallone eyed for more Marvel films


James Gunn wants Sylvester Stallone to appear in more Marvel Comics movies.

The 70-year-old actor makes a brief appearance in a post-credits scene of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2’ but the filmmaker has admitted it is hoped his character, Starhawk, will have a bigger part to play in upcoming films.

He told the Toronto Sun newspaper: “My plan is to see more of him.

“I’m not sure about him appearing in ‘Vol. 3’, we’ll have to see about that, but it’s our plan to see more of Stallone. Kevin (Feige) and I are working on what is going to become of the Marvel Cosmic Universe and where it’s going to go. We plan to see the rest of [the Ravagers] in the future.”

The 46-year-old director is currently helping Marvel plan their long-term slate and wants the ‘Expendables’ star to play a key role.

He added: “I will be helping to plant the seeds that will lead to the next decade.

“I’m helping to decide what projects we’ll be pursuing outside of ‘Vol. 3’, and what the next cosmic characters we will focus on. It’s my plan to find a place for Sly in the future of the Marvel Universe.”

James is busy developing a third ‘Guardians’ movie and though he thinks a fourth film is a possibility, it would involve a different cast.

He explained: “I think the first three movies tell a single story and that story is pretty simple.

“I think that there could be a ‘Guardians Vol. 4’, but it would not be the same. It would not be the same group; basically the story of this group (Star-Lord, Gamora and the rest) ends with ‘Vol. 3’.”

被神秘男深夜摟肩 網曝趙麗穎新歡身分






有「搖滾樂之王」美名、卻不幸在42歲時就應年早逝的「貓王」艾維斯普里斯萊(Elvis Presley),發跡於田納西州的孟菲斯,因此當地居民為了紀念他,也將他的故居改造成可供遊客付費參觀的觀光景點之一,美國政府甚至還將貓王的優雅園列入美國國家保護遺產名單,和華盛頓莊園、杰斐遜莊園等著名故居一樣受到最高的禮遇。


根據《Page Six》報導,這棟孟菲斯舊居是貓王在走紅後,於1956年購入後只短短住過一年的住處,美國當地時間22日早上7點半左右,這棟住宅就被人發現冒出厚重濃煙而馬上報案處理,消防隊馬上在6分鐘內就趕抵現場,火勢約在20分鐘內就獲得控制。



而這棟曾經的貓王舊宅,現在歸72歲音樂家邁克科布(Mike Curb)及其家人所擁有,他們名下的基金會會用這棟住宅來為羅德島大學的學生做音樂教育使用,鄰居透露雖然這棟曾經的貓王舊宅並沒有被拿來公開展覽,不過羅德島大學方面仍常會在該處舉辦派對與講堂,也仍有不少觀光客會特地行經外面來一睹這棟建築的風采。

Kylie Jenner slams Rob Kardashian’s relationship with Blac Chyna


Kylie Jenner thinks Rob Kardashian’s relationship with Blac Chyna is “unhealthy”.

The 19-year-old reality TV star has admitted it’s become increasingly hard for her to support Rob’s on/off relationship with the 28-year-old model, who is the mother of his five-month-old daughter Dream.

Kylie – who previously dated Chyna’s ex-boyfriend, rapper Tyga – said: “It’s really hard to support a relationship that’s really unhealthy, especially when it’s hurting my brother and now it’s affected me.

“I just wish they could just stop this kind of roller-coaster ride.” Kylie allowed Rob and Chyna to live in one of her homes because she wanted to support their relationship. But the teenage businesswoman was angered to discover that her property had been trashed during one of the couple’s intense arguments.

Speaking on ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’, Kylie explained: “I agreed, cause me and Chyna kinda put everything behind us, and my brother seemed really happy and I wanted him to enjoy his new life and I wasn’t here to block anyone’s blessing. “But my mom calls me to kind of keep me informed on what’s going on in my home, and apparently Chyna threw something at my television that I left there. It’s just a little disrespectful and I wouldn’t do that in anyone else’s home.”

And in a conversation with her sister Kendall, Kylie warned that things could continue to get worse between Rob and Chyna over the coming months.

She said: “It’s just really sad and I don’t think it’s going to end well.” Kylie’s thoughts have been echoed by Rob’s sister Kim, who said the relationship “just isn’t that healthy”.

Kim added: “It’s so clear what this relationship is and that they’re just not meant to be with each other.”

Chris Clark opens up about split from Jesy Nelson


Jesy Nelson’s ex-boyfriend Chris Clark has hinted he was in love with another woman during their relationship.

The reality TV star split from Jesy earlier this month, with reports suggesting he felt uncomfortable with the attention surrounding their romance – but the dark-haired hunk has now admitted he was never truly over the emotional heartbreak of his split from ex-girlfriend Amber Dowding.

He said: “I think these past weeks make me realise that I thought I was over her, I did think that. And maybe I’m not so sure any more.”

Amber has recently been hospitalised by a mystery illness, but Chris admitted the situation has helped him to realise what she means to him.

The ‘Only Way Is Essex’ star explained: “I am now single and I see Amber … I see her at the hospital. She was quite ill. So I messaged her on Twitter and just said ‘I didn’t like seeing you lie that. I hope you get better’. Despite what’s gone on, her being in my life makes me happier. That’s the bottom line.”

And Chris – who dated Jesy from February until earlier this month – suggested he retains a hope that he will eventually rekindle his romance with Amber.

He said: “I feel like if I kept putting that to the back of my head, two or three years down the line if she didn’t find anyone else I would regret not doing stuff like this.”

Chris explained, too, that in spite of his past issues with Amber, he’ll always think of her fondly.

He shared: “At the end of the day, I’m a human being, I do have feelings, and I do care for the girl. I always have done, and I always will do.”

Mariah Carey spent $34k on a birthday gift

IMG_9774.JPGMariah Carey reportedly spent $34,000 on a birthday gift for her manager Stella Bulochnikov.

The blonde beauty threw a birthday bash for Stella at the Catch LA restaurant in West Hollywood and surprised her manager – who was celebrating her 44th birthday – with a Louis Vuitton trunk to mark the special occasion.

An eyewitness said: “She wheeled it out of the back room and carried sparklers. She was followed by waitresses with more sparklers and Champagne.”

During the celebrations, a string of Mariah’s biggest hits were played for the intimate crowd, which included Stella’s dad.

A source told the New York Post newspaper’s Page Six column: “Stella was all smiles from beginning to end. Her daughters even gave her a Balenciaga bag.”

Mariah’s appearance at the birthday bash came shortly after it was revealed she has split from former backing dancer Bryan Tanaka.

The duo started dating shortly after her relationship with Australian billionaire James Packer collapsed in October 2016.

But it has since been suggested Bryan was simply looking to “increase his profile” and was “freeloading” off the ‘We Belong Together’ hitmaker.

A source previously said: “Tanaka says that he never pays for anything and was freeloading on Mariah and using her for her fame and money to increase his profile.

“He’s always desired to have a music career and was hoping that being with Mariah would help launch his music career. He was hoping to collaborate with her.”

Mariah and Bryan holidayed together in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in March for the singer’s birthday, but their relationship was already on the rocks at that stage.

An insider explained: “He was posting pictures with her trying to make it look like everything was fine, but it wasn’t.”

Spider-Man confirmed for fourth Avengers movie

IMG_9773.JPGTom Holland’s Spider-Man is to feature in the fourth ‘Avengers’ movie.

The 20-year-old actor made his entrance into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2016’s ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and the web-throwing superhero is to appear in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ next year.

And the future of Holland’s MCU career is promising as the CEO of Marvel, Kevin Feige, says there are plans for him to star in another film in the blockbuster franchise, which will come out in 2019.

Feige told The Hollywood Reporter: “That’s as far as it goes for now.”

Those wanting to see Spider-Man before then will have to watch ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’, which is slated for release later this year.

Meanwhile, Holland previously said he burned his ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ script to keep details of the movie from being leaked.

He took to Instagram earlier this year to share a video of himself chucking the script in the fire after he admitted he forgot to hand it into producers before he left set.

In the video, he said: “Rule number one … hand in your script … Marvel like to keep everything a secret. So, to all the producers who are probably freaking out because I forgot to hand in my script, here is evidence that I am destroying it.”

Holland was understandably thrilled when he found out he had been cast as Spider-Man and revealed he found out he had got the job through a post on Instagram.

He said: “I was in my bed scrolling through Instagram. It had been about a month since my audition. And Marvel just posted a photo saying go to our website and find out who the next Spider-Man is. I went on the Marvel website on my computer and there it was: The new Spider-Man is Tom Holland. I went ballistic, like absolutely nuts.”